Sub: [[이항관계,binary_relation]] [[동치관계,equivalence_relation]] -> [[VG:동치관계,equivalence_relation]] finitary_relation WpEn:Finitary_relation ''그럼 infinitary_relation 라는 것도 존재?'' infinitary_relation ... Google:infinitary+relation Naver:infinitary+relation satisfaction_relation satisfaction relation Ndict:"satisfaction relation" Ggl:"satisfaction relation" many-to-one_relation ADDHERE = rel = == 비슷? == [[대응,correspondence]] { kms correspondence => - ''relation'' (대체적으로) 같은 [[타입,type]]의 두 ([[집합,set]]이나 [[구조,structure]]) 사이 [[이항관계,binary_relation]] [[개념,notion]]의 [[일반화,generalization]]. } ---- //tmp, delme - 대응관계(?) 라는 [[표현,expression]]에 대해 - '대응'과 '관계'와 '대응관계' 사이 관계를 명확히 { KmsK:대응관계 x KpsK:대응관계 KcsK:대응관계 Zeta:대응관계 Libre:대응관계 Namu:대응관계 WpKo:대응관계 Ndict:대응관계 Google:대응관계 HashKr:대응관계 YouTube:대응관계 Srch:대응관계 } ---- Twins: [[Libre:관계]] [[Libre:관계_(수학)]] [[Namu:관계]] [[WpKo:관계_(수학)]] ... corresp wpen : [[WpEn:Finitary_relation]] '''MERGE TO [[VG:관계,relation]]''' // tmp delme. ''These pages share a similar word...'' [[릴레이션relation]] [[릴레이션스키마relation_schema]] [[릴레이션인스턴스relation_instance]] [[미분가능성과_연속성의_관계]] [[속도,각속도,파장,진동수,주기의 관계]] [[관계relationship]] [[관계대수relational_algebra]] [[관계데이터연산relationship_data_operation]] [[관계해석relational_calculus]] MKLINK [[arity]] =,arity . arity { WpEn:Arity - "is the number of arguments or operands taken by a function, operation or relation" 즉 [[함수,function]] [[펑션,function]] [[연산,operation]] '''관계,relation'''가 가지는 성질. ''[[자료구조,data_structure]] or ADT : [[배열,array]]등도?'' 0 nullary 1 unary 2 binary 3 ternary 일반적으로 n-ary Compare: [[차원,dimension]] [[valency]] ... [[WpEn:Valency_(linguistics)]] [[cardinality]] ... [[WpEn:Cardinality]] }