## =단어,word =,word . '''단어, 낱말, 워드, word''' '''단어'''들이 모여 [[구,phrase]] < [[절,clause]] < [[문장,sentence]]을 이룬다. '''단어,word''' 외 가능한 다른 번역들: [[워드,word]] { [[컴퓨터,computer]] CPU [[컴퓨터구조,computer_architecture]] ...등등에선 machine_word ? WtEn:machine_word x ([[Date(2024-01-12T08:22:54)]]) Ggl:"machine word" 거기선 '''word'''의 크기가 [[레지스터,register]] esp general_register 의 [[크기,size]]와 밀접하며 data 처리의 근본?? 단위 정도. ALU,arithmetic_logic_unit 에서 처리하는 data의 기본단위사이즈?? [[WpEn:Word_(computer_architecture)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_(computer_architecture) } [[낱말,word]] 근데 좀 보니 '''word'''의 쓰임이 '항상 무한한', infinite sequence of characters에 word라는 명칭이 붙는 경우도 있어서, '단-/낱-' 이게 전혀 어울리지 않는 번역인 경우가 있다. 무한길이단어?(단어 자체가 모순) 에 대한 번역? 그냥 신경쓰지 말고 단어로 번역? or mk 신조어?? 그냥 워드로 하는게 최선? ---- MKL [[토큰,token]] ---- Sub: [[첩어]] Zeta:첩어 [[단어벡터,word_vector]]? =단어벡터,word_vector =,word_vector 단어벡터 word_vector { [[기계학습,machine_learning]] NLP ex. Ggl:word2vec ml,nlp에선 [[단어,word]]를 [[벡터,vector]]로 나타냄 그래서 [[코사인유사도,cosine_similarity]] 등을 측정 } ---- MKL 어휘 [[어휘,]] =어휘, .... 영어? Ndict:어휘 NdEn:어휘 Ggl:어휘 ''[[어휘,lexicon]]? [[어휘,vocabulary]]? 저 둘 cmp.'' [[어휘소,lexeme]] [[thesaurus]] =,thesaurus =,thesaurus . thesaurus ... WtEn:thesaurus NdEn:thesaurus Ndict:thesaurus Ggl:thesaurus 동의어사전 ??? [[시소러스,thesaurus]] 로 일단페이지 mk? [[corpus]] =,corpus =,corpus . corpus ... WtEn:corpus NdEn:corpus Ndict:corpus Ggl:corpus [[코퍼스,corpus]] ? ---- 관련field [[combinatorial_group_theory]] ---- REL [[문자,character]] [[알파벳,alphabet]] [[문자열,string]] [[concatenation]] =,concatenation =,concatenation . concatenation { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/문자열_연결 https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concatenation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concatenation https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/文字列結合 } ---- [[MathWorld:Word]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Word.html { [[Date(2023-11-11T13:57:57)]] 어떤 alphabet에서 뽑은 $n$ 개 letter의 유한열을 $n-\text{ary}$ '''word'''라 한다. i.e. 어떤 [[알파벳,alphabet]]에서 뽑은 $n$ 개 [[레터,letter]]의 유한열을 $n-\text{ary}$ '''word'''라 한다. i.e. 어떤 [[알파벳,alphabet]]에서 뽑은 $n$ 개 [[글자,letter]]의 [[유한수열,finite_sequence]]을 $n-\text{ary}$ '''word'''라 한다. } ---- <> = Sub = Sub:.... ''자연어 natural_language 의 word와, [[형식언어,formal_language]]의 word를 분리하는게 좋을듯? pagename [[워드,word]]로?'' ''ㄴ 완전 분리가 불가능할듯한데...'' == 아래 몇개 == via MW. 근데 각각 mkl [[자유,free]]? [[프리,free]]?? (참고로 속박,,bound,,의 반대말 그쪽 뜻이 아니라, ([[존재,existence]]가) 없다는 뜻의 free.) / [[제곱,square]] [[세제곱,cube]]? / [[스퀘어,square]] [[큐브,cube]] ? == subword == '''subword''' Ggl:"define:subword" [[부분단어,subword]]? 가 최선의 번역? == square word == '''square word''' tmp see https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SquarefreeWord.html 앞부분 Ggl:"square word" ///// 위아래 반대개념, mkl == squarefree word == '''squarefree word''' https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SquarefreeWord.html subword 중에 square word가 전혀 없는 그런 word. i.e. 모든 subwords 중에서 square word가 하나도 없는 그런 word가 '''squarefree word'''. ... "squarefree word" Ggl:"squarefree word" == cube word ? == '''cube word''' Ggl:"cube word" == cubefree word == '''cubefree word''' cubefree_word =,cubefree_word . cubefree_word https://mathworld.wolfram.com/CubefreeWord.html ... Ggl:"cubefree word" Naver:"cubefree word" xxx WtEn:cubefree_word x [[Date(2023-11-14T12:29:10)]] == overlapfree word == [[overlapfree_word]] =,overlapfree_word =,overlapfree_word . overlapfree_word https://mathworld.wolfram.com/OverlapfreeWord.html Ggl:"Overlapfree Word" == Lyndon word == [[Lyndon_word]] =,Lyndon_word =,Lyndon_word . Lyndon_word { Lyndon word 린든_단어 ? WtEn:Lyndon_word 수학자 Roger_Lyndon (1954년) called them "standard lexicographic sequences". 뜻: A non-empty string that is strictly smaller in lexicographic_order than all of its rotations. [[WpEn:Lyndon_word]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_word https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Lyndon_word ... Ndict:"Lyndon word" x ([[Date(2023-08-24T03:35:47)]]) Naver:"Lyndon word" Bing:"Lyndon 단어" Ggl:"Lyndon 단어" Bing:"Lyndon word" Ggl:"Lyndon word" "Lyndon word" } == morphic word / substitutive word == [[morphic_word]] =,morphic_word =,morphic_word . morphic_word { morphic word aka '''substitutive word''' (wpen) [[WpEn:Morphic_word]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphic_word ... Google:Morphic+word WtEn:morphic_word = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/morphic_word x 2023-11 } // morphic word == Hall word == [[Hall_word]] =,Hall_word =,Hall_word . Hall_word { Hall word [[free_monoid]] [[free_magma]] [[이진트리,binary_tree]] WpEn:Hall_word = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall_word "Hall word" ... Google:Hall.word WtEn:Hall_word = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Hall_word x 2023-11 } == Fibonacci word == [[Fibonacci_word]] =,Fibonacci_word =,Fibonacci_word . Fibonacci_word { Fibonacci word rel. [[피보나치_수열,Fibonacci_sequence]] - [[VG:피보나치_수열,Fibonacci_sequence]] [[WpEn:Fibonacci_word]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_word "Fibonacci word" Ndict:"Fibonacci word" ? Naver:"Fibonacci word" ... Google:Fibonacci+word WtEn:Fibonacci_word = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Fibonacci_word x 2023-11 } // Fibonacci word == tribonacci word == tribonacci word [[tribonacci_word]] =,tribonacci_word =,tribonacci_word . tribonacci_word { tribonacci word WpEn:Tribonacci_word ([[Date(2023-11-28T04:58:11)]] Redir to : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rauzy_fractal#Tribonacci_word ) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tribonacci_word x 2023-11 "tribonacci word" Naver:"tribonacci word" Ggl:"tribonacci word" } == Sturmian word (or Sturmian sequence or billiard sequence) == [[Sturmian_word]] =,Sturmian_word =,Sturmian_word . Sturmian_word { Sturmian word 스튀름_단어 ? Sturmian word, Sturmian sequence, billiard sequence rel [[Beatty_sequence]] [[WpEn:Sturmian_word]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmian_word "In mathematics, a '''Sturmian word (Sturmian sequence or billiard sequence)'''...." .... "Sturmian word" Ggl:"Sturmian word" Naver:"Sturmian word" } // Sturmian word == 각종단어여기추가 == == 각종단어여기추가 == == 각종단어여기추가 == == 각종단어여기추가 == == 각종단어여기추가 == == 각종단어여기추가 == = 문자 중 하나 = ''[[문자,character]] 중에서 이름에 word가 들어가는 문자들이나, word와 직간접적 관련된 character들에 대해 나열 예정...'' == word joiner == [[word_joiner]] =,word_joiner . word_joiner { WJ word joiner [[유니코드,Unicode]] [[제어문자,control_character]]의 하나 - 거기서 line_breaking line_break { link to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_wrap_and_word_wrap corresp ko: https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/자동_줄_바꿈 } 하지 말라고 명시하는 용도. Cmp zero-width_joiner https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/단어_결합자 } [[zero-width_joiner]] =,zero-width_joiner . zero-width joiner Ggl:"zero-width joiner" = 자연어에서 단어 = ''natural_language 의 word'' == 관련표현/개념들 == [[사전,dictionary]] corpus 코퍼스 말뭉치 WtEn:corpus meaning [[뜻,meaning]] [[의미,meaning]] semantics [[시맨틱스,semantics]] [[의미론,semantics]] == NLP에서 단어 표현 == { [[단어표현,word_representation]] [[자연어처리,natural_language_processing,NLP]] [[표현,representation]] MKLINK word_embedding [[임베딩,embedding]] one-hot_encoding [[원핫,one-hot]] [[인코딩,encoding]] word2vec Srch:word2vec [[벡터화,vectorization]] } ---- MKLINK [[워드,word]] =워드,word =,word . { [[단어,word]] - [[언어,language]]에서 말하는 word [[워드,word]] - [[컴퓨터,computer]] [[컴퓨터구조,computer_architecture]]에서 말하는 word 고정된 [[크기,size]]의 [[단위,unit]], [[정보,information]]의 단위? CPU에 따른 [[비트,bit]]의 수 rel. [[레지스터,register]] 의 size [[주소,address]] esp [[메모리주소,memory_address]] word_size 를 정하기 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_%28computer_architecture%29#Word_size_choice [[word_addressing]] =,word_addressing . word_addressing { [[주소,address]] > [[메모리주소,memory_address]] / [[addressing]] { addressing 어드레싱? 주소지정? Sub: [[addressing_mode]] { Ggl:"addressing mode" } WtEn:addressing WpEn:Addressing redir to WpEn:Address_space } Cmp: [[byte_addressing]] { https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_addressing } https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_addressing } ---- [[WpSimple:Word_(computer_architecture)]] = https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_%28computer_architecture%29 [[WpKo:워드_(컴퓨팅)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/워드_%28컴퓨팅%29 [[WpEn:Word_(computer_architecture)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_%28computer_architecture%29 } [[코드워드,codeword]] - rel. [[코드,code]] -> [[VG:코드,code]] = code_word . 부호단어 ? 부호어? ... (writing) [[letter]] [[글자,letter]]? [[레터,letter]]? { compare [[알파벳,alphabet]] [[문자,character]] and [[코드,code]] [[부호,code]] [[심벌,symbol]] [[기호,symbol]] [[숫자,digit]] WtEn:letter WpSimple:Letter = https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Letter } [[알파벳,alphabet]] [[문자,character]] ... 이 셋중에 뭐로 구성? [[concatenation]] - curr [[string_concatenation]]. [[word_concatenation]]과의 차이점이 있을까? 있다면 무엇? word의 [[일반화,generalization]]는 collation - 정보를 더 구조적 방식으로 으로 present(표현? 제공? ..)하는?[* "a generalization of a word as a means to present information in a structured manner" via [[https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Word_(Formal_Systems)#Also_see]]] -> curr. [[콜레이션,collation]] ---- Twins: [[WpKo:낱말]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/낱말 https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Word http://www.gabormelli.com/RKB/Word [[https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Word_(Formal_Systems)]] = https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Word_%28Formal_Systems%29 (i.e. [[finite_string]]과 같은 뜻일 수 있다) [[WpEn:Word_(group_theory)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_(group_theory) category: [[combinatorial_group_theory]] =,combinatorial_group_theory . combinatorial_group_theory { https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Combinatorial_group_theory Up: [[군론,group_theory]] } Sub: [[well-formed_word]] =,well-formed_word . well-formed_word { well-formed word : a [[단어,word]] in $\mathcal{A}$ (어떤 [[알파벳,alphabet]]) admitted by the [[형식문법,formal_grammar]] of some [[형식언어,formal_language]][* [[https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Word_(Formal_Systems)#Also_see]]] } ... so rel. (alternative pagenames?) [[낱말,word]] - 저기엔 국어위주 내용? 혹은 [[언어,language]] [[언어학,linguistics]] [[자연어,natural_language]]쪽에만 해당하는 걸 저 page로 분리하면 어떨지. [[워드,word]] - 저건 아마 [[컴퓨터구조,computer_architecture]]의 `word`를 저쪽으로 옮기기로 거의 결정됨. [[워드,Word]] - 대명사라 capitalize했으나 my wiki system(예정)에서 구분이 안될 확률이 높다... 더 proper pagename은 [[Microsoft_Word]]가 아닐지.