#noindex [[대상,object]]과 [[사상,morphism]]들로 이루어진 체계같은건데 보통 사상을 [[화살표,arrow]]로 나타내는? category에서 [[사상,morphism]]의 조건? * 사상은 [[합성,composition]]이 가능해야 함 (morphisms must be composable) * 사상은 자기 자신으로 가는 [[항등사상,identity_morphism]]이 존재해야 함 // (curr at [[아이덴티티,identity]]) * associativity ---- Informal definition[* The Language of Categories | Category Theory and Why We Care 1.1 https://youtu.be/5Ykrfqrxc8o?si=cYlD5dDwmODCbMmm&t=58] * [[대상,object]]과 $(A,B,C,\ldots)$ * arrow([[화살,arrow]] or [[화살표,arrow]]) $(f,g,\ldots)$ 가 있는데, 다음 법칙들을 만족. * composition - [[합성,composition]] * associativity - (maybe [[결합성,associativity]]? curr. [[VG:결합법칙,associativity]]) * identity - (curr at [[아이덴티티,identity]]) ---- MKL Pagename TBD F-대수,F-algebra ?? F대수,F-algebra ?? <- pagename: ,의 왼쪽에는 _를 고유명사(? 인명?) 좌우 외에는 안 쓰기로 했는데, -도 쓰지 말까? [[F대수,F-algebra]] =F대수,F-algebra =,F-algebra F대수 F-algebra { 아님 대수 대신 대수학 ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-algebra https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/F代数 } // F-algebra ... NN:F-algebra Ggl:F-algebra 의 [[쌍대,dual]]인 // [[쌍대성,duality]] F-coalgebra F-쌍대대수 ?? KMS는 KmsE:coalgebra = 쌍대대수 이긴 한데. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-coalgebra https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/F余代数 // F-coalgebra ... NN:F-coalgebra Ggl:F-coalgebra QQQ F의 정확한 의미... sigma-algebra의 sigma 비슷해 보이는데 암튼 rel [[코,co]] or [[쌍대,dual]] or [[쌍대성,duality]] { rel [[coinduction]] =,coinduction . coinduction { '''coinduction''' 쌍대귀납 ? MKL [[귀납,induction]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coinduction KmsE:coinduction 없음. (2023-11) [[귀납,induction]] ... 에 대한 [[쌍대귀납,coinduction]]??? } // coinduction ... NN:coinduction Ggl:coinduction // 쌍대귀납 ... NN:쌍대귀납 Ggl:쌍대귀납 } coalgebra 말고도 dialgebra 라는 게 이건 algebra + coalgebra 모두를 일반화 한. "In abstract algebra, a dialgebra is the generalization of both algebra and coalgebra." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialgebra https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/dialgebra ---- [[범주,category]]의 [[동치,equivalence]]: [[category_equivalence]] - w [[범주론,category_theory]] =범주론,category_theory =,category_theory . { WtEn:category_theory Sites Maths - Category Theory - Martin Baker https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/discrete/category/index.htm Videos Tutorial on Category Theory: Part 1 – Pure and Classical - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eWn9nG5d7o Topics [[함수,function]] [[대상,object]] [[모노이드,monoid]] [[모노이드대상,monoid_object]] [[모나드,monad]] ? =모나드, =,monad . monad { KmsE:monad https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/discrete/category/higher/monad/index.htm [[WtEn:monad]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/monad (4.) "A monoid object in the category of endofunctors of a fixed category." [[WpEn:Monad]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad esp [[WpEn:Monad_(category_theory)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad_(category_theory) [[WpKo:모나드_(범주론)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/모나드_(범주론) [[WpJa:モナド_(圏論)]] = https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/モナド_(圏論) Cmp [[모노이드,monoid]] } // monad Ggl:"monad category theory" Ggl:"범주론 monad" [[comonad]] =,comonad =,comonad . comonad { [[WtEn:comonad]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/comonad "A monad of the opposite category." KmsE:comonad ? Ggl:comonad } // comonad Ggl:"comonad category theory" Ggl:"범주론 comonad" [[범주,category]]의 [[동치,equivalence]]: [[category_equivalence]] - w [[map]] / [[mapping]] ... [[사상,map]](vg) [[functor]] =,functor . [[펑터,functor]] or [[함자,functor]] .... { '''functor''' KmsE:functor WtEn:functor 함자 펑터 Cmp [[함수,function]] Cmp [[pseudofunctor]] =,pseudofunctor =,pseudofunctor . pseudofunctor { pseudofunctor Ggl:pseudofunctor pseudofunctor } Bing:펑터 Ggl:펑터 } functor Ggl:"functor" ---- [[morphism]] =,morphism =,morphism . 사상 morphism ... [[모피즘,morphism]]? [[사상,morphism]]? { KmsE:morphism [[WtEn:morphism]] = * 형태([[셰이프,shape]] [[피겨,figure]] ....)에 대한 것. 이건 몇 개 안 됨. * ex. [[다형성,polymorphism]] [[단형성,monomorphism]] * 수학의 일반적인 뜻(esp 범주, 함수, 사상) - 보통 [[사상,morphism]]으로 번역되는 - [[사상,map]] [[사상,mapping]] [[함수,function]] [[연산,operation]] [[연산자,operator]] [[변환,transformation]](curr [[변환]])과 거의 같은 그거 * ex. (수없이 많이 추가될것이므로 아래에) 로 나눌 수 있음 사상 모피즘 ? // transliteration: morphism-모피즘 맞는듯, via '이소모피즘-isomorphism' via kornorms. / 근데 저 예 하나는 아이소에 가깝지 않나. 영어로는? - NdEn:isomorphism : "/àisəmɔ́:rfizm/". Yes, 아이소에 가까움. MKL [[동형사상,isomorphism]] [[자기동형사상,automorphism]] [[자기사상,endomorphism]] [[준동형사상,homomorphism]] // [[WtEn:homomorphism]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/homomorphism [[monomorphism]] =,monomorphism =,monomorphism . monomorphism // [[단형성,monomorphism]] 말고 { '''monomorphism''' [[WtEn:monomorphism]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/monomorphism 1. 수학에선 " an injective homomorphism" 2. 생물학에선 sexual_dimorphism (sexual WtEn:dimorphism )의 absense. 저건뭐냐? Ndict:"sexual dimorphism" = https://terms.naver.com/search.naver?query=sexual+dimorphism 즉 암수의 뚜렷한 형태 차이점? chk WpEn:Monomorphism = 666666666666666666666777777777777 ?? ... Naver:monomorphism Ggl:monomorphism Bing:"definition of monomorphism" } // monomorphism (단형성 말고) [[bimorphism]] =,bimorphism =,bimorphism . bimorphism { KmsE:bimorphism = https://www.kms.or.kr/mathdict/list.html?key=ename&keyword=bimorphism x [[Date(2023-11-14T09:16:39)]] WtEn:bimorphism = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bimorphism "A morphism which is both a monomorphism and an epimorphism." Ndict:bimorphism ? Ggl:bimorphism } // bimorphism (그럼 mono-bi 다음 multimorphism ? Ggl:multimorphism ) ADDMORPHISMHERE ADDMORPHISMHERE ADDMORPHISMHERE ADD_MORPHISM_HERE ADD_MORPHISM_HERE ADD_MORPHISM_HERE RANDOMLINKS TOCLEANUP [[WtEn:classifying_morphism]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/classifying_morphism ... [[분류,classification]]? ... Ndict:morphism Ggl:morphism } // morphism ---- //이하 [[연산,operation]] esp [[이항연산,binary_operator]] //and [[연산자,operator]](=[[작용소,operator]]) esp [[이항연산자,binary_operator]](=[[이항작용소,binary_operator]]) 와 mkl [[결합법칙,associativity]] (vg) =,associativity =결합 .... [[결합성,associativity]] [[결합법칙,commutative_law]] ? or rule? { '''associativity''' '''결합성?''' KmsE:associativ WtEn:associativity https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/결합법칙 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_property } // associativity [[교환법칙,commutativity]] (vg) =,commutativity =교환 .... [[교환성,commutativity]] [[교환법칙,commutative_law]] or rule? { '''commutativity''' '''교환성'''? 가환성? KmsE:commutativ WtEn:commutativity mkl 가환 KmsK:가환 Sub: [[commmutative_diagram]] - isa [[다이어그램,diagram]] or [[그림,diagram]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commutative_property } // commutativity = bmks ko = tmp bmks ko GitHub - pilgwon/CategoryTheory: ![번역] 프로그래머를 위한 카테고리 이론 (Category Theory for Programmers) https://github.com/pilgwon/CategoryTheory Bartosz Milewski's "Category Theory for Programmers" Korean translation 프로그래머를 위한 범주론 "본 레파지토리는 Bartosz Milewsk의 Category Theory for Programmers을 번역하며 학습한 레파지토리입니다." https://github.com/alstn2468/category-theory-for-programmers https://theworldaswillandidea.tistory.com/category/Series/함수적인%2C%20너무나%20함수적인 = bmks en = Category theory: online lecture notes, etc. - Logic Matters https://www.logicmatters.net/categories/ = books? = Naver:범주론+교재 Naver:범주론+서적 Naver:카테고리이론+교재 Naver:카테고리이론+서적 Ggl:범주론+교재 Ggl:범주론+서적 Ggl:카테고리이론+교재 Ggl:카테고리이론+서적 Ggl:category+theory+book+recommendation Bing:범주론+교재 Bing:범주론+서적 Bing:카테고리이론+교재 Bing:카테고리이론+서적 Bing:category+theory+book+recommendation = tmp videos en / category theory = Category Theory in Life - Eugenia Cheng https://youtu.be/ho7oagHeqNc?si=YQUeKoKJJzgLQp-H The Language of Categories | Category Theory and Why We Care 1.1 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ykrfqrxc8o ... YouTube:범주론 YouTube:카테고리이론 ---- [[NoSmoke:CategoryTheory]] = pppppppppp [[Wiki:CategoryTheory]] = http://wiki.c2.com/?CategoryTheory https://wiki.haskell.org/Category_theory } // category theory [[mathematical_structure]] - 수학적 구조(mathematical_structure), [[수학,math]] curr at [[구조,structure?action=highlight&value=mathematical_structure]] Sub: [[opposite_category]] = [[dual_category]] ? // =,opposite_category opposite_category / =,dual_category dual_category { '''opposite category''' (tmp) kms opposite => https://www.kms.or.kr/mathdict/list.html?key=ename&keyword=opposite WtEn:dual_category ? WtEn:opposite_category x [[Date(2024-01-12T13:57:33)]] https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Opposite_category [[WpEn:Opposite_category]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposite_category 보면 aka [[dual_category]] ... [[쌍대,dual]] [[쌍대성,duality]] ... Google:opposite_category Naver:opposite_category https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Dual_category } // opposite category Ggl:"opposite category" [[small_category]] =,small_category . small_category { '''small category''' [[WtEn:small_category]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/small_category https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Small_category } // small category Ggl:"small category" [[closed_category]] =,closed_category . closed_category { '''closed category''' WtEn:closed_category ? x [[Date(2024-01-12T13:57:33)]] https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Closed_category https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/데카르트_닫힌_범주 "Cartesian closed category, 약자 CCC" } // closed category Ggl:"closed category" Ggl:"닫힌 범주" Naver:"closed category" Naver:"닫힌 범주" [[bicategory]] =,bicategory =,bicategory . bicategory { https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/이차_범주 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicategory https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Bicategory https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/bicategory } // bicategory ... Google:bicategory [[quotient_category]] { '''quotient category''' MKLINK [[quotient_object]] [[몫,quotient]] https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Quotient_category } // quotient category Ggl:"quotient category" [[topologized_category]] => https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Site [[Abelian_category]] { https://mathworld.wolfram.com/AbelianCategory.html https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Abelian_category } [[Grothendieck_category]] { https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Grothendieck_category } [[derived_category]] =,derived_category . derived_category { '''derived category''' https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Derived_category } // derived category Ggl:"derived category" [[additive_category]] =,additive_category . additive_category { '''additive category''' [[MathWorld:AdditiveCategory]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/AdditiveCategory.html https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Additive_category } // additive category Ggl:"additive category" [[subcategory]] =,subcategory . subcategory - w { '''subcategory''' 부범주? 부분범주? https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Subcategory.html [[WtEn:subcategory]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/subcategory https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/subcategory } // subcategory Ggl:subcategory [[supercategory]] =,supercategory . supercategory - w { '''supercategory''' [[WtEn:supercategory]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/supercategory } // supercategory Ggl:supercategory [[metacategory]] =,metacategory =,metacategory . metacategory { '''metacategory''' 메타범주? WtEn:metacategory Ndict:metacategory MKLINK [[metagraph]] =,metagraph =,metagraph . metagraph { https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Metagraph } [[메타,meta]] https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Metacategory } // metacategory Ggl:metacategory [[distributive_lattice]] =,distributive_lattice . distributive_lattice { '''distributive lattice''' WtEn:distributive_lattice https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/distributive+lattice KmsE:"distributive lattice": 분배격자 } // distributive lattice ... Naver:distributive+lattice Ggl:distributive+lattice = MKLINK = [[대상,object]] = Topics = == categorification == [[WtEn:categorification]] = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/categorification "A procedure that defines theorems,,[[정리,theorem]],, in terms of category theory by mapping concepts from set theory,,[[집합론,set_theory]],, to category theory^^[[범주론,category_theory]]^^." == decategorification == decategorification [[decategorification]] =,decategorification =,decategorification . decategorification { https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/decategorification "process which turns a category into a set " WtEn:decategorification Ggl:decategorification decategorification } = 이상엽 = // from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aggoIxEkr6Q 범주론 category theory 이란? (0:29) 범주란? 범주의 두 요소 1. 대상의 모임 1. 사상의 모임 정확히 얘기하면 1. [[대상,object]]의 모임 ob(C) 1. 임의의 두 대상 X,Y∈ob(C)에 대해 X를 [[정의역,domain]], Y를 [[공역,codomain]]으로 하는 [[사상,map]] f:X→Y의 모임 hom(X,Y) 두 범주 사이에서 정의되는 사상은 [[함자,functor]]라고 부른다. (6:50) 집합론적 함수와의 비교 // [[집합론,set_theory]] * 집합론이 [[집합,set]]을 주 대상으로 하고 이로부터 함수가 파생되는 구조를 가지고 있다면, 범주론은 함수가 주 대상이고 이로부터 파생된 대상의 성질을 연구한다. * 범주의 대상은 집합일 필요가 없으며, [[사상,morphism]]도 [[함수,function]]일 필요가 없다. ex. [[자연수,natural_number]]([[대상,object]])에 대해 부등호 ≤는 사상일 수 있다. 즉 1≤2를 1→2로 볼 수 있다. ''(즉 사상(함수)이 집합론적 함수에서 벗어났다)'' ''1≤2에서 ≤는 집합론에서 말하는 함수는 아니다. 근데 범주론에선 사상이다.'' = free/open textbooks = http://xahlee.info/math/category_theory_tom_leinster.html = files = Category Theory / Randall R. Holmes / October 8, 2019 99p https://web.auburn.edu/holmerr/8970/Textbook/CategoryTheory.pdf Notes on Category Theory / with examples from basic mathematics / Paolo Perrone http://www.paoloperrone.org / Last update: February 2021 181p https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.10642.pdf = 같은영단어 = [[분류,category]]?? rel [[분류,classification]] [[카테고리,category]] - via kornorms. ---- Twins: [[https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Category_(category_theory)]] https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Category https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Category.html [[WpKo:범주_(수학)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/범주_(수학) = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/범주_%28수학%29 "는 추상적인 [[구조,structure]](와 이를 보존하는 변환의 개념을 형식화한 것이다" ---- Sub: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kleisli_category