#noindex ##====상태표,state_table =,state_table 상태표 state_table '''state table''' 상태표 상태도 상태도표 ...등? [[sequential_circuit]]의 행동을 specify. 4 sections(present state, ...)으로 구성. Specifies the behavior of a sequential_circuit. Consists of 4 sections: * present state * input * next state Next state is a function of present states and inputs at time $t+1$ * output Output is a function of present states and inputs at time $t$ Topics present_state / present state next_state / next state state_equation WtEn:state_equation ? input_equation output_equation ... Ggl:"input output equation" [[상태축소,state_reduction]] ---- 이걸 [[state_diagram]] 으로도 표현 가능. 저기선 각 상태는 원형(circle, 속에 상태), 화살표 edge(입력/출력 으로 표시) '''state diagram''' Ggl:"state diagram" NN:"state diagram" [[상태그림,state_diagram]]? ---- MKL [[회로,circuit]] esp [[논리회로,logic_circuit]] [[Mealy_machine]] Outputs depend on inputs and states (+) Tend to have fewer states (+) React faster to inputs [[Moore_machine]] Outputs depend only on the states (+) Safer to use ---- WtEn:state_table NN:"state table" Ggl:"state table" .... Ggl:"state table algebraic representation" Ggl:"state table 상태표" Up: [[상태,state]] [[표,table]]