1. stat에서의 sampling

추출하는 과정?

Zeta:표집 "표본 추출, 표집, 샘플링, 표본추출법"
Zeta:표집단위 - 표집하는 단위,unit

Zeta:확률_표집 "probability sampling" // 이거 random sampling = random_sampling 의 번역과 겹침.

Zeta:비확률_표집 "nonprobability sampling"

random_sampling =,random_sampling . random_sampling
random sampling
} // Srch:random_sampling

Zeta:단순무작위표집 "simple random sampling" Ggl:simple random sampling "단순 무작위 추출, 단순 임의 추출법, 단순 랜덤 추출법, 단순 랜덤 샘플링, 단순추출, 단순무선표집"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_random_sample (SRS)
첫문장(2023-11-19) "In statistics, a simple random sample (or SRS) is a subset of individuals (a sample) chosen from a larger set (a population) in which a subset of individuals are chosen randomly, all with the same probability."
Zeta:표집_틀 "sampling frame"


2. commu./info theory에서의 sampling

2.1. sampling theorem

sampling_theorem =,sampling_theorem . sampling_theorem
WtEn:sampling_theorem ? x 2023-11-01
WpSp:Sampling_theorem ? x 2023-11-01
WpEn:Sampling_theorem ? (2023-11-01) redir to Nyquist-Shannon_sampling_theorem =,Nyquist-Shannon_sampling_theorem . Nyquist-Shannon_sampling_theorem
WpKo:표본화_정리 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/표본화_정리

QQQ 혹시 shannon-nyquist 외의 다른 sampling theorem 있는지? 있다면 무엇?

3. wikiadmin

pagename 샘플링,sampling via kornorms at 2023-11-01.

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last modified 2024-01-13 09:01:40