#noindex <> WtEn:enumeration WtEn:enumerable cmp [[countable]] n. enumerability ? WtEn:enumerability Ggl:enumerability Naver:enumerability 개념상 당연히 다음과 매우 밀접 { 이산성 discreteness 자연수 natural_number ℕ 정수 integer ℤ counting 세기/카운팅/셈/... successor 다음수함수 ? numbering ... =,numbering [[numbering]] { KmsE:numbering Ndict:numbering 넘버링 번호매기기? 수할당? 수매김? ... 죄다 이상한데 translit.말고 번역은 없을지? also on : [[경우의_수,number_of_cases?action=highlight&value=numbering]] complete_numbering '''complete numbering''' [[WpEn:Complete_numbering]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complete_numbering "complete numbering" Ggl:"complete numbering" Goedel_numbering '''Gödel numbering''' [[WpEn:Gödel_numbering]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gödel_numbering [[WpEn:Numbering_(computability_theory)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbering_(computability_theory) 첫문장([[Date(2023-12-17T15:12:58)]]) "In computability theory // [[계산가능성이론,computability_theory]]에서 a '''numbering''' is the assignment of natural numbers to a set of objects such as functions, rational numbers, graphs, or words in some formal language." // '''numbering''이란, [[자연수,natural_number]]s들을 객체/대상(objects)들의 집합에 [[할당,assignment]]하는 것. [[WpJa:ナンバリング_(計算可能性理論)]] = https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ナンバリング_(計算可能性理論) 여기선 translit. } //numbering } // enumeration과 밀접한것들 그래서 적용 가능한 대상은 { ℕ ℤ 그 자체는 물론이고 integer [[인덱스,index]]로 접근가능한 모든것들 ... } rel, mklink: [[계산가능성,computability]] [[계산가능성이론,computability_theory]] = enumerator = WtEn:enumerator Ggl:enumerator mkl 바로아래 enumeration_operator 와. = enumeration operator = [[enumeration_operator]] =,enumeration_operator . enumeration_operator enumeration operator '''열거,enumeration''' operator ... 열거 operator([[오퍼레이터,operator]] [[연산자,operator]] [[작용소,operator]]) ---- https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Enumeration_operator mentions recursively-enumerable_set = recursively-enumerable set ... Ndict:"recursively-enumerable set" Ggl:"recursively-enumerable set" 보통 그냥 띄어쓰는듯 recursively_enumerable_set = recursively enumerable set ... Ggl:"recursively enumerable set" 아무튼 =,recursively-enumerable_set =,recursively_enumerable_set https://mathworld.wolfram.com/RecursivelyEnumerableSet.html https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/재귀_열거_집합 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computably_enumerable_set 재귀 열거가능 집합 ? 재귀 열거 집합 ? (wk) Ndict:"재귀 열거가능 집합" Ndict:"재귀 열거 집합" Ggl:"재귀 열거가능 집합" Ggl:"재귀 열거 집합" [[집합,set]] .... Ggl:"enumeration operator" ---- via partial recursive operator partial_recursive_operator https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Partial_recursive_operator via partial recursive function / recursive function / computable function 셋중에하나 = enumeration reducibility = [[enumeration_reducibility]] =,enumeration_reducibility . enumeration_reducibility { enumeration reducibility https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumeration_reducibility Ggl:"enumeration reducibility" } = enumeration algorithm = [[enumeration_algorithm]] - at local [[WpEn:Enumeration_algorithm]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumeration_algorithm [[알고리듬,algorithm]] = recursively enumerable (adj.) (prefix) = 적절한 명사형? WtEn:recursively_enumerable Ndict:"recursively enumerable" Ggl:"recursively enumerable" == recursively enumerable set == recursively_enumerable_set // 이건 이 파일 위로 // == recursively enumerable == recursively_enumerable_ == recursively enumerable == recursively_enumerable_ == recursively enumerable language == [[recursively_enumerable_language]] =,recursively_enumerable_language . recursively_enumerable_language 재귀 열거 언어 / 재귀적 열거 가능 언어 (wk) [[촘스키_위계,Chomsky_hierarchy]]에서 type-0 [[언어,language]]. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/재귀_열거_언어 Ggl:"recursively enumerable language" = PL = 이때는 보통 그 '열거형'과 관련 [[신택스,syntax]]. 표현이 많은데 별 언급할필요는 없으나 주의점같은거 있음 write.. enumerations enumerated|enumeration (data) type == C# == enumeration_type https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/enum `System.Enum` type => https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.enum 은 모든 enumeration types의 abstract_base_class == Python == [[파이썬,Python]] { `enum` https://docs.python.org/ko/3.9/library/enum.html 이건 클래스? 타입? 임. 먼저 `from enum import Enum` 로 import한다음, 그걸 상속받는 클래스를 만든다. {{{class Sth(Enum): ... }}} .. Google:python+enum `enumerate` 이건 함수임. 원소마다 [[순서,order]] 값을 부여해줌. .. Google:python+enumerate } = MKLINK = [[가부번집합,denumerable_set]] = Misc, etc = == enumerative geometry == (geometry) enumerative_geometry =,enumerative_geometry . { enumerative geometry 열거기하 열거기하학 (we) "'''enumerative geometry''' is the branch of algebraic_geometry concerned with [[counting]] numbers of solutions to geometric questions, mainly by means of [[intersection_theory]]." WpKo:열거_기하학 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/열거_기하학 WpEn:Enumerative_geometry https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/enumerative+geometry Up: [[algebraic_geometry]] enumerative+geometry } == enumerative combinatorics == enumerative combinatorics 열거조합론 ? [[enumerative_combinatorics]] WtEn:enumerative_combinatorics ? [[WpEn:Enumerative_combinatorics]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumerative_combinatorics ... "enumerative combinatorics" Ggl:"enumerative combinatorics" Naver:"enumerative combinatorics" enumerative+combinatorics Up: [[열거,enumeration]] [[조합론,combinatorics]] = Interw = https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Enumeration