[[파이썬,Python]] { enum https://docs.python.org/ko/3.9/library/enum.html 이건 클래스? 타입? 임. 먼저 from enum import Enum 로 import한다음, 그걸 상속받는 클래스를 만든다. class Sth(Enum): ... .. Google:python+enum enumerate 이건 함수임. 원소마다 [[순서,order]] 값을 부여해줌. .. Google:python+enumerate } MKLINK [[가부번집합,denumerable_set]] = Misc, etc = (geometry) enumerative_geometry =,enumerative_geometry . enumerative geometry 열거기하 열거기하학 (we) "'''enumerative geometry''' is the branch of algebraic_geometry concerned with [[counting]] numbers of solutions to geometric questions, mainly by means of [[intersection_theory]]." WpKo:열거_기하학 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/열거_기하학 WpEn:Enumerative_geometry Up: [[algebraic_geometry]] enumerative+geometry