일단 모든 Unix-like는 모두 여기에. BSD, macOS는 Unix고 Linux는 아니지만 여러 Unix-like들의 lineage까지 신경쓸 여유는 없으므로? 아닌건 알지만 Unix-like도 일단 모두 여기에 분류. pagename [[포직스,POSIX]]라 할까? [[파직스,POSIX]]? 유닉스 비슷한 [[환경,environment]]이나 [[compatibility_layer]]를 종합한 pagename? (ex. Windows WSL^^Ggl:"Windows WSL"^^, Cygwin^^Ggl:"Cygwin"^^, Mingw/MSYS^^Ggl:"Mingw MSYS"^^, UnxUtils^^Ggl:"UnxUtils"^^, Wine^^Ggl:"wine compatibility layer"^^... 이런거) Sub: [[유닉스_명령]] 유닉스철학 or 유닉스_철학 ? [[Unix_philosophy]] => curr at [[철학,philosophy?action=highlight&value=Unix_philosophy]] 비슷? https://wiki.debian.org/TheUnixWay .... 유닉스방식? [[Unix_signal]] =,Unix_signal =,Unix_signal . Unix_signal { asynchronous_notification 임. MKL IPC interprocess_communication https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/유닉스_신호 [[WpEn:Signal_(IPC)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_(IPC) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_%28IPC%29 } ---- [[파이프,pipe]] - [[Unix_pipe]] / pipeline .... 중에 pagename TBD { https://wiki.osdev.org/Unix_Pipes Sub: [[anonymous_pipe]] 익명파이프 ? MKLINK FIFO [[스트림,stream]] esp byte_stream and [[표준스트림,standard_stream]] [[셸,shell]] and shell_script [[콘솔,console]] IPC [[message_passing]] [[WpEn:Pipeline_(Unix)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(Unix) } ............. 이상은 Unix 얘기였고............. [[파이프라인,pipeline]] =,pipeline . pipeline Srch:pipeline { Sub: [[명령어파이프라인,instruction_pipeline]] =명령어파이프라인,instruction_pipeline =,instruction_pipeline 명령어파이프라인 instruction_pipeline { instruction pipeline 명령어 파이프라인 [[명령어,instruction]] [[파이프라인,pipeline]] https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/명령어_파이프라인 "명령어 파이프라인" Ndict:"명령어 파이프라인" Bing:"명령어 파이프라인" Ggl:"명령어 파이프라인" } [[graphics_pipeline]] =,graphics_pipeline =,graphics_pipeline . graphics_pipeline { graphics pipeline WtEn:graphics_pipeline x Ggl:"graphics pipeline" Bing:"graphics pipeline" "graphics pipeline" } //we "In [[소프트웨어공학,software_engineering]], a '''pipeline''' consists of a chain''([[체인,chain]] or [[사슬,chain]] or [[연쇄,chain]]?)'' of processing elements ([[프로세스,process]]es [[스레드,thread]]s [[코루틴,coroutine]]s [[펑션,function]]s, etc.), arranged so that the [[출력,output]] of each element is the [[입력,input]] of the next;... [[buffering]] { 버퍼링 ... rel. [[버퍼,buffer]] }도 중간에 가능. 중간에(사이에) 흐르는 정보는 often a [[스트림,stream]] of [[레코드,record]]s, [[바이트,bytes]]s, or [[비트,bits]]s, // record_stream bytestream bitstream and the elements of a pipeline may be called [[필터,filter]]s; this is also called the pipe(s) and filters [[디자인패턴,design_pattern]]. Connecting elements into a pipeline is analogous to [[함수합성,function_composition]]." --- http://terms.co.kr/pipeline.htm [[WpKo:파이프라인_(컴퓨팅)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/파이프라인_%28컴퓨팅%29 [[WpEn:Pipeline_(software)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(software) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_%28software%29 } ---- MKLINK [[리눅스,Linux]] [[운영체제,operating_system,OS]]이므로 [[셸,shell]] 등 ... [[Unix_shell]] [[프로세스,process]] [[프롬프트]] [[멀틱스,Multics]] - 역사적으로 / Bell_Labs [[미닉스,Minix]] [[Plan_9]] - Bell_Labs [[daemon]] - 데몬 디먼 중에 pagename TBD [[Unix_time]] - pagename tbd, wr. [[유닉스_시간,Unix_time]]? { https://namu.wiki/w/유닉스%20시간 https://namu.wiki/w/2038년%20문제 - legacy system이 Unix time을 32-bit로 표기할 때 생기는 [[오버플로,overflow]] 문제 [[시간,time]] timestamp } ---- tbw API 함수목록 등등 ... ---- http://www.linfo.org/unix_upper.html http://www.linfo.org/unix-like.html