Sub: [[lambda_cube]] WpEn:lambda_cube Ggl:lambda_cube <> = 수학에서 = == 산술, 대수에서 == [[산술,arithmetic]] and [[algebra]] = [[앨지브라,algebra]]( [[대수,algebra]]/[[대수학,algebra]])에서 세제곱. Naver:세제곱 Google:세제곱 세 번 (three times, [[셋,three]] 번) 거듭제곱한것. cube of $n$ := third power of $n$ = $n\times n\times n$ = $n^3$ [[파워,power]] { 수학에서는 거듭제곱 = 멱, 물리적 현상으로는 일률 ~= 전력. - [[일률,power]](역학적) [[전력,power]](전기적) 사회적으로는 권력. ... and? NdEn:power Ndict:power } === cube function === [[cube_function]] =,cube_function . cube function 세제곱함수 ? Ndict:"cube function" Ndict:cube+function $x\mapsto x^3$ 또는 $f(x)=x^3$ 또는 $y=x^3$ 등. 성질 * 홀함수 [[odd_function]] //via wpen [[WpEn:Cube_(algebra)]] = = === cubic function === cubic_function =,cubic_function . MKL [[cubic_equation]] KmsE:cubic Ndict:cubic+function Google:cubic+function WpKo:삼차_함수 =삼차_함수 $f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$ WpEn:Cubic_function = === cubic equation === cubic_equation cubic_equation =,cubic_equation . cubic_equation 삼차방정식 (kms) KmsE:"cubic equation" WtEn:cubic_equation WpEn:cubic_equation WpKo:삼차_방정식 =삼차_방정식 === cube root === KmsE:"cube root" cube_root =,cube_root . cube_root 세제곱근? Ndict:cube+root Ndict:cubic+root WtEn:cube_root WpEn:Cube_root = [[루트,root]] === cubic root === 세제곱근 via kms. KmsE:"cubic root" == 기하에서: geometric cube == KmsE:cube 정육면체, 입방체 (kms) 더 명확한 표현: geometric cube [[geometric_cube]] === cocube === [[cocube]] =,cocube . cocube 코큐브 쌍대 정육면체|입방체 ? KmsE:cocube NdEn:cocube Ndict:cocube WtEn:cocube Google:cocube === unit cube === [[unit_cube]] =,unit_cube . unit_cube 유닛 큐브 단위 정육면체|입방체 KmsE:"unit cube" === hypercube === [[hypercube]] =,hypercube . hypercube 하이퍼큐브 초|하이퍼 정육면체|입방체 MKL [[hyperplane]] [[hyper]] prefix : [[초구,hypersphere]] [[초평면,hyperplane]] [[초공간,hyperspace]] etc [[초입방체,hypercube]] - wr rel? [[hypercube_graph]] === n-cube === [[n-cube]] =,n-cube . n-cube Ggl:"n-cube" ---- KmsE:cube WtEn:cube Cmp: [[스퀘어,square]]