#noindex ##==클로저,closure =,closure 클로저 closure 번역들 논리학에서 ''(번역어를 대체하는 얘기 도중)'' '닫힌 식(closure)'을 '폐쇄식'으로 바꾸었다 ... (기호논리학 p10) MKPAGE [[닫힌식,closure]]? ... aka [[닫힌식,closed_expression]] ?? is_a [[식,expression]] > [[논리식,logical_expression]]? or is_a [[포뮬러,formula]] > [[논리식,logical_formula]]? ---- [[토큰,token]]을 다루는, [[언어,language]]에 대한 [[연산,operation]]s들 중에서 (language operations) via https://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/courses/COP562105/ * Union $L\cup M=\left\lbrace s \middle| s\in L \text{ or } s\in M \right\rbrace$ * concatenation $LM=\lbrace xy | x\in L \text{ and } y \in M \rbrace$ * exponentiation $L^0=\lbrace \varepsilon \rbrace$ $L^i = L^{i-1}L$ * '''Kleene closure''' $L^* = \bigcup_{i=0,\ldots,\infty} L^i$ * '''Positive closure''' $L^+ = \bigcup_{i=1,\ldots,\infty} L^i$ Kleene_closure Ggl:"Kleene closure" positive_closure Ggl:"Positive closure" ---- 수학(algebra?)의 것은 [[폐포,closure]]로 번역됨, 이것에 대해 일단은 goto [[폐포,pyepo]] NdEn:closure Ndict:closure WtEn:closure WpSp:Closure WpEn:Closure = 관련표현 = [[closed_]] [[Date(2023-09-08T21:15:05)]] 현재 다음하나뿐 [[닫힌집합,closed_set]] WtEn:closed ? https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Closed.html WtEn:closedness = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/closedness ([[Date(2023-11-22T15:55:50)]] 간단, "The property of being closed.") opp. openness ? [[열림성,openness]]? WtEn:openness = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/openness (unimportant) opp. [[open_]] ? KmsE:closure pagename 후보: [[닫힘,closure]] =닫힘,closure =,closure 닫힘 closure { KmsE:closure } [[폐포,closure]] =폐포,closure =,closure 폐포 closure { [[WpKo:폐포_(수학)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/폐포_(수학) Sub: [[폐포연산자,closure_operator]] w rr } [[닫힘성,closedness]] =닫힘성,closedness =,closedness 닫힘성 closedness { KmsE:closedness ? 없으면 KmsE:closed 표현 Ggl:"closed under" Natural numbers are closed under addition and multiplication but not subtraction. [[자연수,natural_number]]s들은, '''closed''' under [[덧셈,addition]] and [[곱셈,multiplication]] but not [[뺄셈,subtraction]]. } 아님 [[닫힘성,closure]]가 적당한 pagename인지? Ggl:"proofwiki closure" Ggl:"proofwiki closedness" MathWorld:Closed = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Closed.html TODO 추가/삭제(정리) = 정리 = [[Libre:폐포_(수학)]] = https://librewiki.net/wiki/폐포_%28수학%29 [[Date(2023-09-08T21:15:05)]] 그냥 mw에서 closure 검색해서 보이는 항목들임 (del ok) // TMI: [[Micorosft_Edge]]의 컬렉션 기능 처음써봄 { Set Closure -- from Wolfram MathWorld https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SetClosure.html Existential Closure -- from Wolfram MathWorld https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ExistentialClosure.html Tight Closure -- from Wolfram MathWorld https://mathworld.wolfram.com/TightClosure.html Transitive Closure -- from Wolfram MathWorld https://mathworld.wolfram.com/TransitiveClosure.html Reflexive Closure -- from Wolfram MathWorld https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ReflexiveClosure.html ... 검색: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/search/?query=closure } = tmp bmks ko = 2!=2 :: 해석학, 그 열 번째 이야기 | 거리공간에서의 Interior와 Closure ( Interior and Closure for Metric Space ) https://chocobear.tistory.com/172