#noindex ## =패리티,parity =,parity 패리티 parity 번역은 [[홀짝성,parity]] (KMS) - see KmsK:패리티 KmsE:parity ---- Sub: [[parity_check]] { parity check WtEn:parity_check = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/parity_check x [[Date(2023-11-29T09:56:22)]] WpEn:Parity_check ? } [[parity_bit]] - [[비트,bit]] { '''parity bit''' WtEn:parity_bit = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/parity_bit "A bit used to indicate whether the number of bits in a given set with value of one is even or odd. '''Parity bits''' are used as a simple [[error_detection_code]]." ([[Date(2023-11-29T09:56:22)]]) https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/패리티_비트 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_bit ([[Date(2023-11-29T09:56:22)]] 첫문단 "A '''parity bit, or check bit,''' is a bit added to a string of [[binary_code]]. '''Parity bits''' are a simple form of [[error_detecting_code]]. '''Parity bits''' are generally applied to the smallest units of a [[communication_protocol]], typically 8-bit octets (bytes), although they can also be applied separately to an entire message string of bits.") chk: 실제 전송하고자 하는 비트에 추가적으로 덧붙인 비트, ex. 7비트인 ASCII 전송 시 7비트마다 하나씩의 '''parity bit'''를 붙여서 ASCII code 하나 전송할 때 마다 8비트(1바이트)씩 전송. 짝수 패리티(even parity) - (전송단위 하나마다?) 1의 개수가 짝수가 되도록 parity bit를 정하는 것. 홀수 패리티(odd parity) - 1의 개수가 홀수가 되도록 parity bit를 정하는 방법. rudimentary한 [[오류검출,error_detection]] 방법. serial_communication 에서 거리가 짧을 때는 보통 checksum이, 거리가 길 때 보통 parity가 쓰인다 함... chk 그 외의 usage? qqq cmp: [[checksum]] } // parity bit ... NN:"parity bit" Ggl:"parity bit" [[parity_flag]] - [[플래그,flag]] WtEn:parity_flag ? [[parity_game]] parity game WtEn:parity_game = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/parity_game ([[Date(2023-11-29T09:56:22)]] 한문장 "(game theory) A type of game played on a [[directed_graph]] whose nodes are coloured^^([[vertex_coloring]]? [[node_coloring]]?)^^ by [[우선순위,priority]].") WpEn:Parity_game = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_game "parity game" [[parity_file]] WpEn:Parity_file redir to WpEn:Parchive = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parchive ([[Date(2023-11-29T09:56:22)]]) Rel. [[erasure_code]] ... Srch:parity (TOMOVE to otherpage) [[함수,function]]의 경우 [[홀함수,odd_function]] / [[짝함수,even_function]] ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Even_and_odd_functions ) ...etc ---- <> = wikiadmin = [[Date(2023-11-29T09:56:22)]] Page name via kornorms = autogeninterwikis = KmsE:parity KpsE:parity KcsE:parity Zeta:패리티 MathWorld:Parity = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Parity.html WtEn:parity = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/parity Libre:패리티 Namu:패리티 WpKo:패리티 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/패리티 WpSp:Parity WpEn:Parity = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity (큰 disambig page) [[WpEn:Parity_(mathematics)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_(mathematics) WpJa:パリティ = https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/パリティ ... 패리티 Ndict:패리티 Naver:패리티 Ggl:패리티 Bing:패리티