KmsK:편차 - 10개정도 KmsE:deviation Ndict:편차 Ndict:deviation <> = Sub = == absolute deviation AD == === average absolute deviation AAD / mean absolute deviation MAD === AAD average absolute deviation MAD mean absolute deviation AKA: mean deviation absolute deviation ''pagename?'' "The '''average absolute deviation (AAD)''' of a data set is the average of the absolute deviations from a central point''(linked to: WpEn:Central_tendency)''. It is a summary statistic(linked to: WpEn:Summary_statistics) of statistical dispersion''(linked to: WpEn:Statistical_dispersion)'' or variability''(not linked; WtEn:variability WpEn:Variability KmsE:variability NdEn:variability Ndict:variability Ggl:variability variability)''. In the general form, the central point can be a mean, median, mode, or the result of any other [[측도,measure|measure]] of central_tendency or any reference value related to the given data set. __AAD includes the mean absolute deviation and the median absolute deviation{ } (both abbreviated as MAD).__" Cmp: ''("For arbitrary differences (not around a central point), see Mean absolute difference.")'' [[mean_absolute_difference]] =,mean_absolute_difference . mean_absolute_difference WtEn:mean_absolute_difference ''("For paired differences (also known as mean absolute deviation), see Mean absolute error.")'' [[mean_absolute_error]] =,mean_absolute_error . mean_absolute_error WtEn:mean_absolute_error평균_절대_편차 "평균절대편차(average_absolute_deviation AAD 또는 mean_absolute_deviation MAD ) 또는 평균편차(mean_deviation) 또는 절대편차(absolute_deviation)는 [[산포도]] { WpKo:산포도 }의 하나로, 평균과 개별 관측치 사이 거리의 평균이다. 각 측정치에서 전체 평균 값을 뺀 값의 절댓값으로 표시되는 편차들의 ~~합에서~~(?) [[산술평균,arithmetic_mean]]을 말한다. 매우 크거나 작은 어느 하나의 값인 이상치([[outlier]]로 인한 문제점을 보완할 수 있는 방법으로 사용되고 있다. 평균편차에는 모집단 평균편차와 표본 평균편차 두 가지 종류가 있다." Ndict:평균절대편차 Ggl:평균절대편차 === median absolute deviation (이것도 MAD) ===중앙값_절대_편차 === least absolute deviation LAD === "'''Least absolute deviations (LAD)''', also known as '''least absolute errors (LAE)''', '''least absolute residuals (LAR)''', or '''least absolute values (LAV)''', is a...." no wk. == squared deviation / squared deviations from the mean (SDM) == squared deviations from the mean (Redirected from WpEn:Squared_deviations) = Cmp = == deviation vs error == [[오차,error]] = Misc = 기타 비슷한 표현: [[다이그레션,digression]] ---- Ndict:편차 Bing:편차 WtEn:deviation Ndict:deviation Bing:deviation [[VG:편차,deviation]]