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These pages share a similar word...

  1. Khan_Academy_SQL
  2. OnlineLectures
  3. SQL,structured_query_language
  4. Vulcan nerve pitch
  5. commodity
  6. complement
  7. concur
  8. cot_x_적분_증명
  9. dicey
  10. inclination
  11. indigence
  12. precession
  13. precursor
  14. procession
  15. vigilance
  16. 가측함수,measurable_function
  17. 결과,outcome
  18. 경우의_수,number_of_cases
  19. 경제,economics
  20. 곡면,surface
  21. 곡선,curve
  22. 균형,balance
  23. 그래픽스,graphics
  24. 기하확률변수,geometric_RV
  25. 네트워크과학,network_science,netsci
  26. 논리동치,logical_equivalence
  27. 논리연산자,logical_operator
  28. 다이버전스,divergence
  29. 다항계수,multinomial_coefficient
  30. 대응,correspondence
  31. 동역학계,dynamical_system
  32. 동치,equivalence
  33. 로직,logic
  34. 로킹,locking
  35. 몰분율,mole_fraction
  36. 미분방정식과_차분방정식,differential_equation_and_difference_equation
  37. 미시상태,microstate
  38. 부호,code
  39. 분류,classification
  40. 분사,participle
  41. 블록,block
  42. 비열(specific heat)
  43. 비용,cost
  44. 산란,scattering
  45. 산술평균,arithmetic_mean
  46. 삼각항등식,trigonometric_identity
  47. 상관계수,correlation_coefficient
  48. 선언,declaration
  49. 선인장,cactus
  50. 성분,component
  51. 수열,sequence
  52. 스킴,scheme
  53. 스펙트럼,spectrum
  54. 아날로그컴퓨터,analog_computer
  55. 아커만_함수,Ackermann_function
  56. 애스펙트,aspect
  57. 액세스,access
  58. 어정션,adjunction
  59. 역삼각함수,inverse_trigonometric_function
  60. 예외,exception
  61. 오브젝트,object
  62. 의학,medicine
  63. 인수분해,factorization
  64. 인코더,encoder
  65. 인터랙션,interaction
  66. 인터페이스,interface
  67. 자연연역,natural_deduction
  68. 장치,device
  69. 전극,electrode
  70. 전기편극,electric_polarization
  71. 전달함수,transfer_function
  72. 전사함수,surjective_function
  73. 전자껍질,electron_shell
  74. 제어구조,control_structure
  75. 제어이론,control_theory
  76. 조합,combination
  77. 좌표벡터,coordinate_vector
  78. 주기성,periodicity
  79. 주석,comment
  80. 중앙처리장치,central_processing_unit,CPU
  81. 증분,increment
  82. 참조,reference
  83. 추론규칙,inference_rule
  84. 추론엔진,inference_engine
  85. 퀀티피케이션,quantification
  86. 키르히호프_법칙,Kirchhoff_law
  87. 패턴인식,pattern_recognition
  88. 팩토리,factory
  89. 퍼지함수,fuzzy_function
  90. 퍼텐셜함수,potential_function
  91. 펑션,function
  92. 포커스,focus
  93. 플랑크_상수,Planck_constant
  94. 피보나치_수,Fibonacci_number
  95. 함의,implication
  96. 합성함수,composite_function
  97. 핵력,nuclear_force
  98. 호출,call
  99. 화학결합,chemical_bond

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