컨커, 칸커, 컨컬, 칸컬 /kənˈkər/ vi. 1. 동의하다, (의견이) 일치하다 [[agree]], be of the same [[opinion]] vi. 2. 동시에 일어나다 [[coincide]], [[happen]] or [[occur]] at the same time 발음이 비슷한 단어: [[conquer]] ---- =병행성, =,concurrency . concurrency { "병행성(concurrency)"(wk) Sub: [[concurrent_computing]] [[Java_concurrency]] { https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_concurrency [[자바,Java]] } Topics: [[스레드,thread]] [[스레드관리,thread_management]] [[멀티스레딩,multithreading]] [[멀티태스킹,multitasking]] [[코루틴,coroutine]] =코루틴,coroutine =,coroutine 코루틴 coroutine { MKL: concurrency [[generator]] yield (statement) thread / threading .... https://everything2.com/title/co-routine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroutine 코루틴 coroutine } [[고루틴,goroutine]] { https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goroutine - redir } ---- //we begin [[formalism]]s for modeling and understanding concurrent_system s 지금까지 개발된것 중 일부: * parallel_random-access_machine =,parallel_random-access_machine . PRAM =,PRAM . { parallel random-access machine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_RAM Up: [[random-access_machine]] ... Ndict:"parallel random-access machine" Ggl:"parallel random-access machine" } * [[actor_model]] - curr at comp.txt(편집용) and [[모형,model#s-8]](읽기용) * Computational bridging models such as the [[bulk_synchronous_parallel]] (BSP) model { bulk synchronous parallel bulk+synchronous+parallel } // Computational bridging model : Ggl:Computational+bridging+model // BSP , BSP_model [[https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=3386315&cid=58370&categoryId=58370 국립중앙과학관 - 빅데이터 BSP Bulk Synchronous Parallel]] Ndict:"bulk synchronous parallel" Ggl:bulk+synchronous+parallel * [[Petri_net]] Petri_net =,Petri_net . Petri_net { 페트리 넷|네트|망|... Petri net WtEn:Petri_net Ndict:"Petri net" Ggl:"Petri net" Petri+net } * [[process_calculus]] - comp.txt ** [[calculus_of_communicating_systems]] (CCS) // calculus of communicating systems = calculus_of_communicating_systems ~= communicating systems calculus ? // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus_of_communicating_systems ... Ggl:"calculus of communicating systems" ** [[communicating_sequential_processes]] (CSP) model // communicating sequential processes = communicating_sequential_processes ? or communicating_sequential_process es ? // {"'''CSP'''는 병행시스템^^concurrency^^에서 상호작용^^[[통신,communication]]/interaction/message-based?[[메시지,mesaage]] 기반?/dataflow-based?/... 아무튼 서로 [[연결,connection]] 즉 interconnection , interconnectivity ...^^의 패턴을 기술^^[[패턴,pattern]] + [[기술,description]]^^하기 위해 고안된 [[형식언어,formal_language]]이다. 프로세스 대수 혹은 프로세스 계산^^[[process_calculus]]^^라 불리는 병행성 관련 수학논리의 한 종류이다. Go 디자인에 영향을 끼쳤다. .. CSP는 1978년 앤터니 호어^^Tony_Hoare^^가 최초로 고안하여, 이후 계속해서 개량되어왔다. CSP는 여러 가지 시스템을 동시성의 관점에서 기술하여, 이를 파악하고 검증하기 위한 도구로 산업계에서 이용되고 있다."}(wk) https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/커뮤니케이팅_시퀜셜_프로세스 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communicating_sequential_processes ... Ggl:"communicating sequential processes" ** π-calculus [[pi-calculus]]? ''(이상 see [[칼큘러스,calculus]])'' * [[tuple_space]]s, e.g., [[WpEn:Linda_(coordination_language)]] // tuple_space 튜플공간 ? WtEn:tuple_space Srch:tuple_space * Simple Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (SCOOP) - [[WpEn:SCOOP_(software)]] * [[WpEn:Reo_Coordination_Language]] * [[trace_monoid]] trace_monoid { trace monoid ... trace=? (we){" a '''trace''' is a set of strings, // [[문자열,string]] 집합 wherein certain letters in the string are allowed to commute, but others are not. // 특정 letter 만 commutative_property 를 가진 ie 순서바꾸기가 가능한 (rel. [[VG:교환법칙,commutativity]]) It generalizes the concept of a string, // [[문자열,string]] [[개념,concept]]의 [[일반화,generalization]] by not forcing the letters to always be in a fixed order, but allowing certain reshufflings to take place. "} ''pagename [[트레이스,trace]]?'' [[모노이드,monoid]] WpEn:Trace_monoid = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trace_monoid Naver:"trace monoid" Ggl:"trace monoid" trace+monoid } ... 보면 parallel_computing 에선 coordination_language 가 자주 언급 find: parallel computing coordination language .... Naver:"parallel computing coordination language" Ggl:"parallel computing coordination language" 그리고 data_flow dataflow dataflow_programming flow-based_programming .... 쪽도 언급 coordination_language =,coordination_language . coordination_language { coordination language 최적의 번역은?? WtEn:coordination_language - 2023-08-12 없음 WtEn:coordination NdEn:coordination WpEn:Coordination_language ... Ndict:"coordination language" (2023-08-12 없음. 네이버 전체검색으로 나가야 됨) Ggl:coordination_language } mkl [[parallel_programming model]] via 'See also': Chu_space =,Chu_space . Chu_space { Chu space [[위상공간,topological_space]]개념의 일반화. WpEn:Chu_space = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chu_space Ndict:"Chu space" Ggl:"Chu space" Chu+space } structured_concurrency { https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_concurrency } concurrency_pattern { 동시성 패턴, ... concurrency pattern WpEn:Concurrency_pattern = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_pattern ... Ndict:"concurrency pattern" Ggl"concurrency pattern" [[패턴,pattern]] concurrency+pattern } partitioned_global_address_space =,PGAS . PGAS { partitioned global address space (PGAS) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partitioned_global_address_space [[주소공간,address_space]] } X10 { 2004년 IBM이 발표. "X10 is designed specifically for parallel computing using the partitioned global address space (PGAS) model." [[WpEn:X10_(programming_language)]] } sheaf =,sheaf . sheaf { 일단 단어는 WtEn:sheaf pl. sheaves 여기선 [[위상공간,topological_space]] 얘기. 번역: 층(wk) https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Sheaf.html [[WpKo:층_(수학)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/층_%28수학%29 [[WpEn:Sheaf_(mathematics)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheaf_(mathematics) https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Sheaf https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/sheaf } sheaf_theory =,sheaf_theory . sheaf_theory { sheaf theory Topics: [[sheaf]] KmsE:sheaf presheaf =,presheaf . presheaf KmsE:presheaf WtEn:presheaf https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Presheaf.html https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Pre-sheaf https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/presheaf Sub: separated_presheaf topos =,topos . topos cohomology =,cohomology . cohomology 코호몰로지 WpKo:코호몰로지 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/코호몰로지 Ndict:코호몰로지 Ggl:코호몰로지 stack =,stack . stack = 2-sheaf ([[스택,stack]] 말고.... pagename?) 층의 일반화. [[WpEn:Stack_(mathematics)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_(mathematics) = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_%28mathematics%29 [[WpKo:스택_(수학)]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/스택_(수학) = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/스택_%28수학%29 covering =,covering . covering KmsE:covering https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Covering https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/covering coverage =,coverage . coverage KmsE:coverage https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/coverage embedding =,embedding . embedding KmsE:embedding https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/embedding Yoneda_embedding stalk =,stalk . stalk 줄기 (wk) stalk들의 집합은 etale_space 를 이룬다. https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/stalk [[WpKo:줄기_(수학)]] = 줄기_(수학) = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/줄기_%28수학%29 etale_space =,etale_space . etale_space 에탈레 공간 ([[WpKo:줄기_(수학)]]) (주의) "여기서, 에탈레(étalé)는 에탈 코호몰로지(étale cohomology ... [[WpKo:에탈_코호몰로지]])·에탈 사상(étale morphism)·에탈 기본군(étale fundamental group ... [[기본군,fundamental_group]]) 등의 에탈(étale)과는 관계없는 개념이다." (wk) https://mathworld.wolfram.com/EtaleSpace.html https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/étale+space https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Sheaf_theory .... Ndict:"sheaf theory" Ggl:sheaf+theory sheaf+theory } //we end ---- MKL [[process_calculus]] ---- [[WpKo:병행성]] = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/병행성 [[WpSp:Concurrency_(computer_science)]] = https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_(computer_science) [[WpEn:Concurrency_(computer_science)]] = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_(computer_science) Srch:concurrent_ } concurrent_computing =,concurrent_computing =,concurrent_computing . concurrent_computing { concurrent computing "병행 컴퓨팅 또는 컨커런트 컴퓨팅(concurrent computing)은"(wk) Cmp: [[parallel_computing]] ''//curr at [[병렬성,parallelism]]'' //tmp(copy at local) https://everything2.com/title/concurrent+computing { 동시에 돌아가는(running simultaneously) 복수의 [[프로세서,processor]]와 [[프로세스,process]]들로 구성... 그래서 이런 것들이 topics * 다른 프로세스들 간의 [[동기화,synchronization]] * 공용 자원을 둘 이상의 프로세스가 동시에 접근해서 생길 수 있는 문제 - [[race_condition]] * 여러 [[프로세서,processor]], [[스레드,thread]]s, ...등을 쓸 수 있도록, 알고리즘을 scaling하는 것 // algorithm_scaling ? * deadlock 방지 } ---- https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/병행_컴퓨팅 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrent_computing Ndict:"concurrent computing" Google:"concurrent computing" concurrent computing }