
끌개,attractor (rev. 1.2)

끌개 (KPS),
흡입자 (KMS),
어트랙터 (transliteration)


KpsE:limit cycle { 2023-12 "limit cycle 극한 순환, 끝순환" }
KmsE:limit cycle { 2023-12 "limit cycle 극한주기궤도" }

일단 직역으로 pagename 정함

(2023-12-02 첫문단 : "In mathematics,
in the study of dynamical systems with two-dimensional phase space,
a limit cycle is a closed trajectory{ WtEn:trajectory NdEn:trajectory KmsE:trajectory KpsE:trajectory } in phase space having the property that
at least one other trajectory spirals into it // NdEn:spiral into Ggl:spiral into Naver:spiral into ... 대충 "빨려들어가다" 정도?
as time approaches infinity
as time approaches negative infinity.
Such behavior is exhibited in some nonlinear systems.
Limit cycles have been used to model the behavior of many real-world oscillatory systems.
The study of limit cycles was initiated by Henri_Poincare{Henri Poincaré (1854–1912)}.")


Up: 극한,limit 순환,cycle
} // limit cycle
horseshoe_map =,horseshoe_map =,horseshoe_map . horseshoe_map
horseshoe map
WtEn:horseshoe_map ?
WpEn:Horseshoe_map = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_map
Up: map
"horseshoe map"
Ggl:horseshoe map Naver:horseshoe map

basin / basin of attraction

1. wikiadmin

2023-12-02 Page name via KPS

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