
DB쪽에서의 뜻은 goto 레코드record.

activation_record =,activation_record =,activation_record . activation_record
activation record

활성화 레코드 ??

= https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/activation_record
call_stack에 위치한 subroutine 정보를 담은 자료구조,data_structure.
syn: stackframe = stack_frame.

WtEn:activation_record = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/activation_record
"a data structure containing subroutine state information located on the call stack" 2023-11-14
syn stack_frame -> =,stack_frame =,stack_frame . stack_frame { WtEn:stack_frame = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stack_frame "An individual frame on the call_stack, representing a call to a subroutine that has yet to return." }
syn activation_frame

= http://wiki.c2.com/?ActivationRecord
pointer to the 호출자,caller,
local_variable s,

등을 가지고 있다