수학,math, 그래프이론,graph_theory에서는 순환으로 번역하면 ok?

(we) (그래프이론에서)
"a cycle in a 그래프,graph is a non-empty trail =,trail { WtEn:trail = 트레일,trail 자취 흔적 ... }
in which only the first and last vertices(버텍스,vertex) are equal.
A graph without cycles is called an acyclic_graph. // WtEn:acyclic_graph WpEn:acyclic_graph
A directed_graph without directed_cycles is called a directed_acyclic_graph.(DAG) // WtEn:directed_graph WpEn:directed_graph
A connected_graph without cycles is called a 트리,tree." // WtEn:connected_graph WpEn:connected_graph


directed_cycle =,directed_cycle =,directed_cycle . directed_cycle
directed cycle


WpEn:Cycle_(graph_theory) (Redirected from WpEn:Directed_cycle)
두번째문장: "A directed cycle in a directed_graph is a non-empty directed_trail in which only the first and last vertices are equal."

Naver:directed cycle
Bing:directed cycle
Ggl:directed cycle
"directed cycle"

chordless_cycle =,chordless_cycle =,chordless_cycle . chordless_cycle
chordless cycle


WpEn:Chordless_cycle redir to WpEn:Induced_path
저기서 함께 묶어 설명하는것들(너무 많은데?) 앞부분:
"수학의 그래프이론에서,
induced_path =,induced_path =,induced_path . induced_path { induced path WtEn:induced_path Ggl:induced path } in an undirected_graph $\displaystyle G$ is a 경로,path that is an induced_subgraph of $\displaystyle G$.
That is, it is a 시퀀스,sequence of vertices(버텍스,vertex) in $\displaystyle G$ such that
each two adjacent vertices in the sequence are connected by an 에지,edge in $\displaystyle G$, and
each two nonadjacent vertices in the sequence are not connected by any edge in $\displaystyle G$.
An induced path is sometimes called a snake, and the problem of finding long induced paths in
hypercube_graph =,hypercube_graph . hypercube_graph { hypercube graph WtEn:hypercube_graph WpEn:Hypercube_graph Ggl:hypercube graph Bing:hypercube graph "hypercube graph"}
s is known as the snake-in-the-box problem. // Ggl:snake-in-the-box problem
Similarly, an induced_cycle is a cycle that is an induced_subgraph of $G$;
induced cycles are also called chordless_cycles or (when the length of the cycle is four or more) holes. An antihole is a hole in the complement(컴플리먼트,complement) of $\displaystyle G,$ i.e., an antihole is a complement of a hole.
// Ggl:graph theory hole
// Ggl:graph theory antihole
The 길이,length of the longest induced_path in a graph has sometimes been called the detour_number { detour number Ggl:graph detour number } of the graph;
for sparse_graph { sparse graph Ggl:sparse graph }s, having bounded detour_number is equivalent to having bounded tree-depth.
The induced_path_number =,induced_path_number . induced_path_number { induced path number Ggl:induced path number of graph }
of a graph $\displaystyle G$ is the smallest number of induced_paths into which the vertices of the graph may be partitioned, and the closely related
path_cover_number =,path_cover_number . path_cover_number { path cover number WtEn:path_cover_number Ggl:path cover number "path cover number"} of $\displaystyle G$
is the smallest number of induced_path s that together include all vertices of $\displaystyle G.$
The girth(graph_girth ?) =,girth . girth { Sub:[[odd_girth. ...... NdEn:girth KmsE:girth WtEn:girth Ggl:graph girth Ggl:그래프 girth }
of a graph is the length of its shortest cycle, but this cycle must be an induced_cycle as any chord could be used to produce a shorter cycle; for similar reasons the odd_girth of a graph is also the length of its shortest odd induced cycle.

Naver:chordless cycle
Bing:chordless cycle
Ggl:chordless cycle
"chordless cycle"

induced_cycle =,induced_cycle =,induced_cycle . induced_cycle

위 chordless cycle 임시참조. 동의어???


// see WpEn:Cycle_(graph_theory)#Circuit_and_cycle
directed_circuit - cmp directed_cycle

영단어 cycle

KmsE:cycle - 순환


(DEL) wikiadmin

cycle: 사이클 via https://kornorms.korean.go.kr/
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last modified 2023-09-08 13:19:57