
시간,time (rev. 1.10)

지연,delay은 시간이 늦추어지는..? time_shift 의 일종?
시간은 자원,resource의 일종임
복잡도,complexity esp. 계산복잡도,computational_complexity에는 공간복잡도와 시간복잡도가 있다 - 시간복잡도,time_complexity
동기화,synchronization는 대체로 시간의 차이를 없애거나 즉 일치화시키거나 timing을 맞추거나 등등... 아무튼 adjustment. 자원,resource에 대한 접근,access이나 multi- 환경에서 자주 나오는
clock 클락 클록
pulse 맥박 펄스
시계열,time_series - VG:시계열,time_series

PL API/builtin functions

여기선 'datetime' 또는 'chrono'라는 표현이 많이 쓰임


"In probability theory,
in particular in the study of stochastic_processes, // 확률과정,stochastic_process - VG:확률과정,stochastic_process
a stopping time (also Markov time, Markov moment, optional stopping time or optional time) // aka Markov_time Markov_moment optional_stopping_time optional_time
is a specific type of “random_time”: a random_variable whose value is interpreted as the time at which a given stochastic process exhibits a certain behavior of interest. // random_time =,random_time .
A stopping time is often defined by a stopping_rule, a mechanism for deciding whether to continue or stop a process on the basis of the present position and past events, and which will almost always lead to a decision to stop at some finite time. // decision =,stopping_rule .
Stopping times occur in decision_theory , and the optional_stopping_theorem is an important result in this context. " // decision_theory optional_stopping_theorem