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  • 표기법,notation . . . . 12 matches
         [[집적점,accumulation_point]] =집적점,accumulation_point =,accumulation_point . 집적점 accumulation_point
         KmsK:집적점 [[Date(2023-09-06T22:20:05)]]
         accumulation point 집적점, 쌓인점
         cluster point 집적점
         complete accumulation point 완전집적점
         [[ 수학백과: 집적점]]
         Ndict:집적점 Ggl:집적점
         } // accumulation point = 집적점
  • 집적점,accumulation_point . . . . 10 matches
         ##===집적점,accumulation_point =,accumulation_point 집적점 accumulation_point
         집적점 accumulation point (kms: 집적점, 쌓인점) - KmsE:"accumulation point"
         2-집적점 = [[극한점,limit_point]]
         1-집적점 = [[폐포점,closure_point]] or [[밀착점,adherent_point]]
         [[ 수학백과: 집적점]] - "집적점(accumulation point 또는 limit point)이라고"
         [[WpKo:집적점]] =집적점
  • 열린집합,open_set . . . . 5 matches
         Srch:집적점 Ndict:집적점 Ggl:집적점 Srch:accumulation_point Srch:집적점 } // 위상에서 이 둘은 동의어? chk
  • 극한점,limit_point . . . . 1 match
         Same as 2-[[집적점,accumulation_point]].
  • 집합,set . . . . 1 match
         MKL: [[limit_point]] [[perfect_set]] [[accumulation_point]] { tmp see WpKo:집적점 }
Found 5 matching pages out of 2002 total pages

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