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  • 캐시,cache . . . . 30 matches
         =캐시,cache =,cache 캐시 cache + ( =캐싱,caching =,caching )
          has CPU_cache
         ||'''캐시,cache''' ||[[캐싱,caching]] ||
         invalidation - cache_invalidation
          '''cache invalidation'''
          Ggl:"cache invalidation"
          Ggl:"cache locality"
         coherence - cache coherence = cache_coherence =,cache_coherence . cache_coherence
          '''cache coherence'''
          캐시일관성? [[캐시,cache]] [[일관성,coherence]]? .... cf. 일관성은 [[일관성,consistency]]에서 쓰이고 있음.
          } // cache coherence Ndict:"cache coherence" Ggl:"cache coherence"
         syn./sub: [[캐시메모리,cache_memory]]
         [[trace_cache]] - [[트레이스,trace]]?
          WtEn:trace_cache ?
         [[instruction_cache]] - [[명령어,instruction]]?
          WtEn:instruction_cache ?
         WpEn:Cache <- disambig page. see:
         [[WpEn:Cache_(computing)]] =
  • 모노이드,monoid . . . . 18 matches
          trace는 [[문자열,string]]. =,trace . trace { Sub: [[trace_cache]] =,trace_cache =,trace_cache . trace_cache
          a '''trace cache''' or '''execution trace cache'''
          is a specialized instruction_cache { [[instruction_cache]] WtEn:instruction_cache }
          A '''trace processor''' is an architecture designed around the '''trace cache''' and processes the instructions at trace level granularity.
         trace cache
         execution trace cache
         instruction cache
         [[명령어,instruction]] [[실행,execution]] [[트레이스,trace]]? [[캐시,cache]] [[프로세서,processor]] [[모노이드,monoid]]
  • 메모리,memory . . . . 15 matches
         Cache coherent NUMA (ccNUMA)
         [[캐시,cache]] [[캐시메모리,cache_memory]]
         [[cache_memory]] =,cache_memory . cache_memory
         W cache_memory
         6.4 Cache Memories 596
         6.4.1 Generic Cache Memory Organization 597
         6.4.2 Direct-Mapped Caches 599
         6.4.3 Set Associative Caches 606
         6.4.4 Fully Associative Caches 608
         6.4.6 Anatomy of a Real Cache Hierarchy 612
         6.4.7 Performance Impact of Cache Parameters 614
  • 페이지,page . . . . 9 matches
         [[page_cache]] =,page_cache =,page_cache . page_cache
          'aka disk cache' // disk_cache
  • 입출력,IO . . . . 8 matches
         [[캐시,cache]] =,cache . cache
         [[cache_memory]] - [[메모리,memory]]
         cache-only_memory_architecture (COMA)
          WpEn:Cache-only_memory_architecture =
  • 캐시메모리,cache_memory . . . . 7 matches
         ##====캐시메모리,cache_memory =,cache_memory 캐시메모리 cache_memory
         forked from cache
         WtEn:cache_memory ?
         Up: [[캐시,cache]]
  • 중앙처리장치,central_processing_unit,CPU . . . . 3 matches
  • FrontPage . . . . 2 matches
         mk script: del cache && count all wiki data words/bytes/lines (wiki statistics)
          WIKIBASE/data/cache/referer/referer.log 삭제
  • 더블버퍼링,double_buffering . . . . 2 matches
         [[캐시,cache]] / [[캐시메모리,cache_memory]]
  • 풀,pool . . . . 2 matches
          "a cache of database connections"
         [[캐시,cache]]비슷한역할?? chk
  • RandomWikiPages . . . . 1 match - 반도체?
  • 뷰view . . . . 1 match
         ''즉 cache 같은 역할?''
  • 폰트,font . . . . 1 match
         이미 rendering되면 bitmap으로 [[font_cache]]에 저장되기도 한다.
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