
Full text search for "metadata"

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  • WikiSandBox . . . . 6 matches
         [[metadata]] - [[메타데이터,metadata]] or [[메타자료,metadata]] .... Srch:metadata WtEn:metadata
          p TheMetadata
  • 태그,tag . . . . 4 matches
          는 data에 부여된 [[metadata]] 얘기.
  • 파일,file . . . . 2 matches
         [[metadata]]의 일종이다. // filename, file's timestamp도 마찬가지.
         "A '''FourCC''' ("four-character code") is a sequence of four bytes (typically ASCII) used to uniquely identify [[data_format]]s. It originated from the '''OSType''' or '''ResType''' [[metadata]] system used in classic_Mac_OS ..."
  • 시맨틱스,semantics . . . . 1 match
         rel [[ontology]] [[웹,web]] [[metadata]] [[meaning]]
  • 인덱스,index . . . . 1 match
         이것은 [[검색엔진,search_engine]] esp web_search_engine { Sub: [[검색엔진최적화,SEO]]{ '''search engine optimization (SEO)''' website web_site webpage web_page web_traffic website_traffic WpKo:검색_엔진_최적화 WpSp:Search_engine_optimization WpEn:Search_engine_optimization }... WpEn:Search_engine Up: [[검색,search]] =검색,search =,search . { vertical_search { 일반적인 웹 [[검색엔진,search_engine]]과 다른데 특정한 segment(분야? 범위? 구역? ...)에만 집중하기 때문. WpEn:Vertical_search Ndict:vertical+search } } [[엔진,engine]] }들이 [[키워드,keyword]], metadata 를 가지고 만드는 것.
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