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  • 해,solution . . . . 97 matches
         근사해 ... Google:근사해 Naver:근사해 [[근사해,approximate_solution]]?
          rel [[수치해,numerical_solution]]... 거의비슷한뜻같은데...차이점이나 뉘앙스차 혹시 있는지? Ggl:"근사해 수치해 차이" Ggl:"differences between approximate solution and numerical solution"
          Ggl:"approximate solution vs. numerical solution"
         [[exact_solution]] =,exact_solution . exact_solution
         '''exact solution'''
         } // exact solution Ggl:"exact solution"
         '''closed-form solution'''
         } // closed-form solution Ggl:"closed-form solution"
         Ggl:"exact solution closed-form solution"
         .... KmsE:solution
         [[일반해,general_solution]] =일반해,general_solution =,general_solution 일반해 general_solution
         [[특이해,singular_solution]] =특이해,singular_solution =,singular_solution 특이해 singular_solution
         WtEn:singular_solution ?
         WpSp:Singular_solution ??
         WpEn:Singular_solution ???
  • 공학수학1,engineering_mathematics_1 . . . . 19 matches
         = 2.1 해곡선,solution_curve =
          $P(t)=0 \mbox{ and } P(t)=\frac{a}{b}$ : equilibrium solutions
         해(solution)를 $y=\phi(x)$ 로 놓고, 위의 식 양변을 dx로 나누면
          $y_c$ 는 homogeneous equation $y'+p(x)y=0$ 의 general solution.
          (homogeneous equation의 solution이다 라고 해서, $y_h$ 로 쓰기도 한다.)
         2. Find a solution of nonhomogeneous DE $y_p$ that is independent with $y_c(x)$ .
         즉 particular solution이 아니라 homogeneous equation의 solution이 되버리는 것이다.
         2. Find a solution of nonhomogeneous DE $y_p$ that is independent with $y_c(x)$ .
         ∴ general solution:
          - the solution of nonhomogeneous DE:
          - general solution of a first-order linear DE:
          particular solution
         general solution:
         How can get the solution of an exact DE?
         ∴ General solution: $x^2y-y=C$
         ∴ general solution:
  • 해상도,resolution . . . . 19 matches
         [[resolution]] - chk kn - not in kornorms at [[Date(2023-11-08T19:27:18)]], 레졸루션 ??
         CURR AT [[추론규칙,inference_rule]] see [[추론규칙%2Cinference_rule?action=highlight&value=resolution]]
         [[name_resolution]] - curr at [[이름,name]] see [[이름%2Cname?action=highlight&value=name_resolution]]
         [[semantic_resolution_tree]] - curr at [[트리,tree]] see [[트리%2Ctree?action=highlight&value=semantic_resolution_tree]]
         [[symbol_resolution]] - curr at [[심벌,symbol]] see [[심벌%2Csymbol?action=highlight&value=symbol_resolution]]
         [[resolution_rule]] (logic) - [[규칙,rule]] ///// =,resolution_rule =,resolution_rule . resolution_rule
          '''resolution rule'''
          [[WtEn:resolution_rule]] = x 2023-11-09
         ... etc. Srch:resolution
         Ndict:resolution KmsE:resolution
  • 미분방정식,differential_equation . . . . 17 matches
         A differential equation is '''homogeneous''' if $y=0$ is a solution.
         일반해(general solution)
         특수해(particular solution)
         특이해(singular solution)
         자명해(trivial solution)
         비자명해(nontrivial solution)
         다음, y에 대해 풀어 일반해(general solution)를 얻는다.
          특수해(particular solution)들은
          and the general solution is
          ⇒ solution $f(x,y)={\rm const.}$
         특히 0=0y가 (H)의 해 => 자명해(trivial solution)
         사실 이게 해의 전부이다. (일반해라고 한다. general solution)
         영상 6. n계선형 homogeneous 방정식의 fundamental set of solutions
         정의 (Fundamental Set of Solutions) (F.S.S.)
         (H)의 fundamental set of solutions라고 부른다.
  • 추론규칙,inference_rule . . . . 13 matches
         [[resolution]] =,resolution . resolution
         ''Curr tmp goto [[해상도,resolution]]''
          Ggl:"resolution 증명"
         단어 resolution 다른뜻
          [[이미지,image]] - 해상도 분해능 [[해상도,resolution]]
  • 이름,name . . . . 10 matches
         [[name_resolution]] =,name_resolution =,name_resolution . name_resolution
         혹시나해서 WpEn:Name_resolution 를 보니 세가지 뜻에 대한 disambiguation: 1. computer system 특히 network에서 그 쉬운 뜻(hostname domain_name 이런거) 2. PL에서의 뜻 (위에 링크) 3. [[시맨틱스,semantics]] and text_extraction 에서.
         WtEn:name_resolution [[Date(2023-08-30T07:50:58)]]
         ... Google:name.resolution
         [[이름,name]]보다 [[변수,variable]]레벨에선, [[variable_shadowing]]이라 한다. "At the level of variables (rather than names), this is known as variable_shadowing."[* [[WpEn:Name_resolution_(programming_languages)#Name_masking]]]
  • 트리,tree . . . . 10 matches
         [[semantic_resolution_tree]] =,semantic_resolution_tree =,semantic_resolution_tree . semantic_resolution_tree
         semantic resolution tree
         ... Google:Semantic.resolution.tree
  • 용액,solution . . . . 9 matches
         ##=======용액,solution =,solution 용액 solution
         solution = solvent + solute
         '''용액,solution''' = [[용매,solvent]]에 + [[용질,solute]]을 녹인.
         같은 영단어 solution의 다른 뜻: [[해,solution]]
         MV TO [[VG:용액,solution]]
  • 문제,problem . . . . 7 matches
          * [[해,solution]]는? ... (esp. 문제가 [[방정식,equation]]이라면 그 [[근,root]]은?)
          * 그리고 존재한다면, 그걸 찾아내는 방법 / 해법 (Ndict:해법 NdEn:해법 Ggl:해법 ... 이것도 영어로 solution? chk Ggl:solution WtEn:solution ) / 해결방법 / 해결 [[방법,method]] ... (rel. [[전략,strategy]])은 무엇인가?
         solving/solution ... [[해,solution]]
  • 최적화,optimization . . . . 4 matches
          "a '''feasible region, feasible set, search space,''' or '''solution space''' is the set of all possible points (sets of values of the [[choice_variable]]s) of an [[optimization_problem]] that satisfy the problem's [[constraint]]s,"...
          feasible region, feasible set, search space, or solution space
          feasible_region feasible_set search_space solution_space
          =,feasible_region =,feasible_set =,search_space =,solution_space .
  • 특수해,particular_solution . . . . 4 matches
         [[해,solution]]의 일종으로,
         [[일반해,general_solution]]의 상수 부분에 어떤 값을 넣어서 확정한(?) 해?
         혼동 주의: 한국어 표현이 비슷한 [[특이해,singular_solution]]는 전혀 다른 것.
         Up: [[해,solution]]
  • 포화,saturation . . . . 4 matches
         포화용액 saturated solution
         불포화용액 unsaturated solution
         과포화용액 supersaturated solution
  • 해집합,solution_set . . . . 4 matches
         The set of all possible solutions of a linear system.
  • 쌍대성,duality . . . . 3 matches
         [[dual_problem]] - primal_solution and dual_solution ? .... (Up: [[해,solution]])
  • 형식,form . . . . 3 matches
          [[방정식,equation]]의 [[해,solution]]가 '''closed form'''이란 것은 해를 해석적^^(analytic, [[어낼러시스,analysis]])^^으로 [[표현,representation]]ddddddddddd
          [[closed-form_expression]]으로 나타낸 [[해,solution]]?? 내생각,chk.
  • 동치,equivalence . . . . 2 matches
          Two linear systems with the same solution set.
  • 방정식,equation . . . . 2 matches
          * 그것을 [[만족,satisfaction]]?하는 [[해,solution]]가 ie [[근,root]]이 있는지? ([[존재,existence]] 여부, [[존재성,existence]])
          * 그게 불가능하다면 확률적으로나 수치해석적으로 [[근사해,approximate_solution]](i.e. 해의 [[근사값,approximate_value]], i.e. [[근사,approximation]])같은 거라도 구하는 방법은?
  • 심벌,symbol . . . . 2 matches
         [[symbol_resolution]] { ... Google:symbol+resolution }
  • 영점,zero . . . . 2 matches
         Cmp [[해,solution]]
  • 완전미방exact_DE . . . . 2 matches
         의 solution 이 ...see 2021-03-16 15m again and tbw
         This means the solution for $M(x,y)dx+N(x,y)dy=0$ is $f(x,y)=c$
  • 원소,element . . . . 2 matches
         수치해 [[numerical_solution]] ( [[해,solution]] ) 를 구하는 방법.
  • 의미론,semantics . . . . 2 matches
         [[semantic_resolution_tree]] - curr [[트리,tree?action=highlight&value=semantic_resolution_tree]]
  • 저장,jeojang . . . . 2 matches
         (화학) [[용액,solution]]에 저장액/등장액/고장액 개념이 있음
  • 절,clause . . . . 2 matches
          * 두 Horn절의 [[resolvent]] { The clause produced by a resolution_rule is sometimes called a '''resolvent'''. ''from [[WpEn:Resolution_(logic)]]'' } 는 Horn절.
  • 피겨,figure . . . . 2 matches
          [[measurement_resolution]] (linked to [[WpEn:Sensor#Resolution]] )
  • 갈루아_이론,Galois_theory . . . . 1 match
         [[근,root]] ([[루트,root]] [[해,solution]])
  • 경로,path . . . . 1 match
         rel [[최적화,optimization]] ... 여기선 가장 짧은 경로 = [[최적해,optimal_solution]]
  • 기호논리학,Elementary_Logic . . . . 1 match
         벤슨 메이츠 <기호논리학> 1장 해답 (Solutions for Benson Mates's Elementary Logic, Chapter 1.)
  • 김광수_신호및시스템_2020 . . . . 1 match
         3. This solution is compared with the response(출력, 응답) of the physical system with the same excitation
  • 농도,concentration . . . . 1 match
          ... ex. [[액체,liquid]] 혼합물(i.e. [[용액,solution]])의 경우 그 [[용매,solvent]]의 대부분을 제거한...
  • 단위,unit . . . . 1 match
         [[모니터,monitor]] [[해상도,resolution]] [[디스플레이,display]] ... 관련:
  • 동차미분방정식,제차미분방정식,homogeneous_differential_equation . . . . 1 match
         비동차방정식의 [[해집합,solution_set]]은 동차방정식의 해집합을 반드시 포함한다.
  • 루트,root . . . . 1 match
          Similar: [[해,solution]].
  • 모니터,monitor . . . . 1 match
  • 모듈,module . . . . 1 match
         [[packaging]] [[package_management]] { 패키지 관리 [[관리,management]] - [[이름공간,namespace]] [[version]] 등이 겹치지 않게 [[식별자,identifier]]를 잘 써서 ... 기능은 auto update / dependency resolution / .... ..... package_manager = package_management_system ?? 저건 항상 같은뜻이고 page 따로 만들필요 x? ex. pip { } }
  • 미분방정식과_차분방정식,differential_equation_and_difference_equation . . . . 1 match
         ||[[해,solution]]의 형태 ||[[함수,function]] (연속적, [[연속성,continuity]]) ||[[수열,sequence]] (이산적, [[이산성,discreteness]]) i.e. [[시퀀스,sequence]] ||
  • 베셀_함수,Bessel_function . . . . 1 match
          "[[베셀_미분방정식]]은 [[파동방정식,wave_equation]]에서 원기둥 대칭([[원기둥대칭]] Ndict:원기둥대칭 Ggl:원기둥대칭 Bing:원기둥대칭 )을 가정했을 때 나타나는 방정식으로 이 방정식의 [[일반해,general_solution]]를 표현하기 위해 '''베셀 함수'''가 도입.."
  • 부분공간,subspace . . . . 1 match
         부분공간의 동차연립방정식 ( homogeneous system of equations? ) Ax=0의 [[해,solution]]로 이루어진 공간 - 영공간(null space)
  • 삼각항등식,trigonometric_identity . . . . 1 match
         [[일반해,general_solution]]에 대해 서술.
  • 선형회귀,linear_regression . . . . 1 match
          "근사적으로 구하려는 해와 실제 해의 [[오차,error]]의 제곱의 합(SS ... [[제곱합,square_sum]] { '''sum of squares, SS'''? / See VG 제곱합,square_sum / WpKo:제곱합 } )이 [[최소,minimum]]가 되는 [[해,solution]]를 구하는 [[방법,method]]"
  • 신택스,syntax . . . . 1 match
          first-order_abstract_syntax (FOAS)와 ''- if: structure는 추상적이나 names(identifiers) are still concrete (그래서 [[name_resolution]]이 필요)''
  • 애스펙트,aspect . . . . 1 match
         aspect_ratio - video display에서 자주 나오는 (along with: 해상도 resolution, dimension, screen orientation ( portrait and landscape ) , [[이미지,image]] ....)
  • 열거,enumeration . . . . 1 match
         (we) "'''enumerative geometry''' is the branch of algebraic_geometry concerned with [[counting]] numbers of solutions to geometric questions, mainly by means of [[intersection_theory]]."
  • 인공신경망,artificial_neural_network,ANN . . . . 1 match
         depth width resolution 이 셋을 balance?
  • 저장_용액,stock_solution . . . . 1 match
         Up: [[용액,solution]]
  • 전략,strategy . . . . 1 match
         기타 [[문제,problem]] 해결, [[증명,proof]], [[알고리듬,algorithm]], ...등에서 전략이 중요 - 저건 '해결책', [[해,solution]]에 도달하는 방법에 가까운 뜻.
  • 정리,theorem . . . . 1 match
         ex. 이차방정식 $x^2+1=0$ 은 [[실근]]을 갖지 않지만, [[해,solution]]의 범위를 복소수 집합으로 확장하면 근을 두 개 갖는다.
  • 중앙처리장치,central_processing_unit,CPU . . . . 1 match
         128kB ram. 마지막에 video ram 4kB, resolution 128x128 4bpp
  • 증명,proof . . . . 1 match
         [[해,solution]]의 부존재( nonexistence ? WtEn:nonexistence NdEn:nonexistence )와 cmp.
  • 진리집합 . . . . 1 match
         [[해집합solution_set]]이 비슷한 뜻? 같은 뜻?
  • 최정환_미분방정식및연습_2013 . . . . 1 match
         Suppose a solution $y_1$ is given.
  • 프로그래밍,programming . . . . 1 match
         Programming is the art of developing a solution to a computational problem, in the form of a set of instructions that a computer can execute.[* Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving p3]
  • 프로토콜,protocol . . . . 1 match
         Adress Resolution Protocol
  • 혼합물,mixture . . . . 1 match
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