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These pages share a similar word...

  1. DPU,data_processing_unit
  2. disingenuous
  3. living quarter
  4. scoring rubric
  5. strikingly
  6. 공학수학1,engineering_mathematics_1
  7. 네트워킹모델,networking_model
  8. 대칭군,daechinggun
  9. 문자열연산,string_operation
  10. 반올림오차,rounding_error
  11. 부동소수점,floating_point
  12. 아이패드_PDF_필기_앱,iPad_PDF_notetaking_app
  13. 언어학,linguistics
  14. 자연어처리,natural_language_processing,NLP
  15. 중앙처리장치,central_processing_unit,CPU
  16. 튜링_기계,Turing_machine
  17. 특이점,singular_point
  18. 특이점,singularity
  19. 프로그래밍언어,programming_language
  20. 프로그래밍패러다임,programming_paradigm
  21. 해밍_그래프,Hamming_graph
  22. 현재_디렉터리_얻기,gettting_current_directory
  23. 환론,ring_theory

These pages share an initial or final title word...

  1. BooksReading
  2. VideosWatching
  3. WebPagesReading
  4. discerning
  5. exhilarating
  6. notwithstanding
  7. pondering
  8. sleuthing
  9. staggering
  10. unflagging
  11. 공학,engineering
  12. 교대,alternating
  13. 국소환,local_ring
  14. 글로빙,globbing
  15. 기계공학,mechanical_engineering
  16. 기계학습,machine_learning
  17. 네트워크프로그래밍,network_programming
  18. 네트워킹,networking
  19. 다항식환,polynomial_ring
  20. 더블버퍼링,double_buffering
  21. 드로잉,drawing
  22. 디코딩,decoding
  23. 레이팅,rating
  24. 로킹,locking
  25. 리즈닝,reasoning
  26. 링,ring
  27. 맞추기,fitting
  28. 매칭,matching
  29. 매핑,mapping
  30. 목_meaning
  31. 목구멍_meaning
  32. 목소리_meaning
  33. 문자열,string
  34. 바인딩,binding
  35. 반도체공학,semiconductor_engineering
  36. 반올림,rounding
  37. 부분환,subring
  38. 부팅,booting
  39. 불_환,Boolean_ring
  40. 산란,scattering
  41. 샘플링,sampling
  42. 셰어링,sharing
  43. 스위칭,switching
  44. 스케줄링,scheduling
  45. 스태킹,stacking
  46. 슬라이싱,slicing
  47. 신호처리,signal_processing
  48. 심층학습,deep_learning
  49. 쓰기,writing
  50. 예외처리,exception_handling
  51. 의미,meaning
  52. 이해,understanding
  53. 인코딩,encoding
  54. 인터네트워킹,internetworking
  55. 읽기,reading
  56. 임베딩,embedding
  57. 카운팅,counting
  58. 캐스팅,casting
  59. 커링,currying
  60. 커플링,coupling
  61. 컴퓨팅,computing
  62. 크롤링,crawling
  63. 타이핑,typing
  64. 타입저글링,type_juggling
  65. 튜닝,tuning
  66. 표본화,sampling
  67. 풀링,pooling
  68. 프로그래밍,programming
  69. 해밍,Hamming
  70. 허프만_코딩,Huffman_coding
  71. 형식_문자열,format_string
  72. 훈련,training

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