
Difference between r1.6 and the current

@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
= https://mathworld.wolfram.com/EllipticFixedPoint.html
{ [[Date(2023-11-14T16:27:19)]]
"An '''elliptic fixed point''' of a [[미분방정식,differential_equation|differential equation]] is a [[고정점,fixed_point|fixed point]] for which the
stability matrix // stability_matrix =,stability_matrix . stability_matrix { '''stability matrix''' 안정성행렬 / 안정행렬 ? WtEn:stability_matrix ? WpSp:stability_matrix ? WpEn:stability_matrix ? Ggl:"stability matrix" [[MathWorld:StabilityMatrix]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/StabilityMatrix.html }
stability matrix // stability_matrix =,stability_matrix . stability_matrix { '''stability matrix''' 안정성행렬 / 안정행렬 ? WtEn:stability_matrix ? WpSp:stability_matrix ? WpEn:stability_matrix ? Ggl:"stability matrix" [[MathWorld:StabilityMatrix]] = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/StabilityMatrix.html Up: [[안정성,stability]] [[행렬,matrix]] }
has purely imaginary eigenvalues // [[순허수]] [[고유값,eigenvalue]] ?
$\lambda_{\pm} = \pm i \omega \quad (\text{for }\; \omega\gt 0).$
An '''elliptic fixed point''' of a map // [[사상,map]] [[사상,mapping]] ?
@@ -159,6 +159,11 @@
QQQ [[반복,iteration]] / [[함수합성,function_composition]] / ...etc 에서 invariant?

(of complex_plane)
= wikiadmin =
== log ==
[[Date(2023-11-14T16:27:19)]] page made

고정점 fixed point
AKA fixpoint

KmsE:fixed point { 2023-11-15 "fixed point = 고정점, 부동점" }
KpsE:fixed point { 2023-11-15 "fixed point = 고정점, 붙박이점" }

Zeta:고정점 x 2023-11
Zeta:부동점 x 2023-11

(disambig. page)

고정소수점,fixed_point .... pagename rechk.
fixed-point_arithmetic =,fixed-point_arithmetic =,fixed-point_arithmetic . fixed-point_arithmetic
고정소수점산술 ?
WtEn:fixed-point_arithmetic ?
등은 저기로.

"fixed-point arithmetic"
Ggl:fixed-point arithmetic
저걸 저렇게 이름짓는다면
부동소수점,floating_point ? 과 대구가 맞는다 - VG:부동소수점,floating_point은 옛날에 이미 그렇게 이름지어짐.

1. Sub (* = fixed point 또는 fixpoint)

1.2. elliptic *

번역은 아마도
타원고정점 ??

= https://mathworld.wolfram.com/EllipticFixedPoint.html
{ 2023-11-15
"An elliptic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the
stability matrix // stability_matrix =,stability_matrix . stability_matrix { stability matrix 안정성행렬 / 안정행렬 ? WtEn:stability_matrix ? WpSp:stability_matrix ? WpEn:stability_matrix ? Ggl:stability matrix MathWorld:StabilityMatrix = https://mathworld.wolfram.com/StabilityMatrix.html Up: 안정성,stability 행렬,matrix }
has purely imaginary eigenvalues // 순허수 고유값,eigenvalue ?
$\displaystyle \lambda_{\pm} = \pm i \omega \quad (\text{for }\; \omega\gt 0).$
An elliptic fixed point of a map // 사상,map 사상,mapping ?
is a fixed point of a linear transformation (map)
for which the rescaled variables satisfy
$\displaystyle (\delta-\alpha)^2+4\beta\gamma\lt 0.$

1.3. hyperbolic *

번역은 아마도
쌍곡고정점 ?
(하이퍼볼릭|쌍곡선|쌍곡) (고정|부동)점 ...중에 TBD

= https://mathworld.wolfram.com/HyperbolicFixedPoint.html
{ 2023-11-15
// 미분방정식,differential_equation의 쌍곡고정점
"A hyperbolic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has eigenvalues // stability_matrix 고유값,eigenvalue
$\displaystyle \lambda_1\lt 0\lt \lambda_2,$
also called a 안장점,saddle_point.
// 사상,map의 쌍곡고정점
A hyperbolic fixed point of a map is a fixed point for which the rescaled variables satisfy
$\displaystyle (\delta-\alpha)^2+4\beta\gamma\gt 0.$

1.5.1. Brouwer * theorem


1.5.2. Tarski * theorem


3. Twin

WtEn:fixed_point = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fixed_point
syn. fixpoint.

{2023-11-15 처음.
"수학에서 고정점(固定點, fixed point) 또는 부동점(不動點, invariant point)은 함수나 변환 따위에서 옮겨지지 않는 점이다.
ex. 실수 위의 함수의 고정점은 그래프와 직선 $\displaystyle y=x$ 의 교점에 대응한다. "
// 각각 고정,fixation invariance 을 강조한 name?
// Ggl:invariant point

QQQ 반복,iteration / 함수합성,function_composition / ...etc 에서 invariant?

(of complex_plane)

4. wikiadmin

4.1. log

2023-11-15 page made