
위계,hierarchy (rev. 1.28)

트리,tree 구조,structure, root가 있고 leaf로 내려오는.


filesystem_hierarchy - filesystem, rel 디렉터리,directory
aka directory_hierarchy? or directory_structure ?

singly_rooted_hierarchy =,singly_rooted_hierarchy =,singly_rooted_hierarchy . singly_rooted_hierarchy
aka singly-rooted_hierarchy ??
singly rooted hierarchy
"singly rooted hierarchy"
Ggl:singly rooted hierarchy
} // singly rooted hierarchy

fast-growing_hierarchy =,fast-growing_hierarchy =,fast-growing_hierarchy . fast-growing_hierarchy |=,FGH FGH
fast-growing hierarchy (FGH)

"fast-growing hierarchy (FGH)"
Ggl:fast-growing hierarchy (FGH)
Naver:fast-growing hierarchy (FGH)
} // fast-growing hierarchy (FGH)

클래스위계,class_hierarchy =클래스위계,class_hierarchy =,class_hierarchy 클래스위계 class_hierarchy
class hierarchy
aka inheritance tree = inheritance_tree =,inheritance_tree . (we)

WpEn:Class_hierarchy = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_hierarchy
2023-09-14 읽기
"A class hierarchy or inheritance tree''' in CS is a 분류,classification of object types, // link object_type ? or not?
denoting objects as the instantiations of classes (클래스,class is like a 청사진,blueprint, the 객체,object is what is built from that blueprint)
inter-relating the various classes by relationships such as
  • "inherits",
  • "extends",
  • "is an abstraction of",
  • "an interface definition".
In object-oriented programming, // OO OOP
a class is a template
that defines the state and behavior common to objects of a certain kind. // OOP에서 클래스란 특정한 종류,kind의 객체들에 공통인 상태,state행동,behavior정의,definition틀,template(템플릿,template)이다.
A class can be defined in terms of other classes. // (그 외에도) 클래스 정의는 다른 클래스에 대해 할 수 있다. i.e. 다른 클래스를 가지고 그 관계를 서술하는 방법으로 할 수 있다.
The concept of class hierarchy in computer science is very similar to taxonomy =,taxonomy . taxonomy Srch:taxonomy NdEn:taxonomy WtEn:taxonomy Ndict:taxonomy { WpEn:Taxonomy_(biology) = [https]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomy_(biology) }, the classifications of 종,species. =,species . species { NdEn:species Ndict:species Ggl:species 설명 WtEn:species }

The relationships are specified in the science of object-oriented design(object-oriented_design) and object interface standards defined by popular use, language_designers (Java, C++, Smalltalk, Visual_Prolog) and standards committees for software_design like the Object_Management_Group =,Object_Management_Group . Object_Management_Group | =,OMG .{ Object Management Group WtEn:Object_Management_Group WpSp:Object_Management_Group WpEn:Object_Management_Group Ndict:Object Management Group Ggl:Object Management Group "Object Management Group"}.

The class hierarchy can be as deep as needed. The 인스턴스변수,instance_variables들 and 메소드,methods들 are inherited down상속,inheritance through the 레벨,levels and can be redefined according to the requirement in a subclass. In general, the further down in the hierarchy a class appears, the more specialized its behavior.
When a message is sent to an object, // 메시지,message(of OO)가 객체,object로 전달되면,
it is passed up the inheritance tree // 트리,tree의 위로 올라간다 - 루트,root쪽으로...
starting from the class of the receiving object
until a definition is found for the method. 메소드,method 정의,definition
This process is called upcasting." // upcasting =,upcasting =,upcasting . upcasting { 업캐스팅 WtEn:upcasting Naver:업캐스팅 Ggl:업캐스팅 Ggl:upcasting .... opp. 다운캐스팅 - cmp.

"업캐스팅 다운캐스팅"

"class hierarchy"
Ggl:class hierarchy
Bing:class hierarchy

"inheritance tree"
Naver:inheritance tree
Bing:inheritance tree
} // class hierarchy = inheritance tree

memory_hierarchy - curr at 메모리,memory?action=highlight&value=memory_hierarchy
von_Neumann_hierarchy =,von_Neumann_hierarchy =,von_Neumann_hierarchy . von_Neumann_hierarchy
von Neumann hierarchy
폰 노이만 위계

normalized ko:
폰노이만_위계 ?

von_Neumann_universe =,von_Neumann_universe =,von_Neumann_universe . von_Neumann_universe
von Neumann universe

= https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Neumann_universe
corresp. interwiki ko :
cumulative_hierarchy =,cumulative_hierarchy =,cumulative_hierarchy . cumulative_hierarchy
cumulative hierarchy
WtEn:cumulative_hierarchy x 2023-11-11
WpKo:누적_위계 = https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/누적_위계
https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/cumulative hierarchy
"cumulative hierarchy"
Ggl:cumulative hierarchy
Naver:cumulative hierarchy
} // cumulative hierarchy

"von Neumann universe"
Ggl:von Neumann universe
Naver:von Neumann universe

Up: wellfoundedness? // curr see https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/well-founded
} // well-founded set

"von Neumann hierarchy"
Google:Von Neumann Hierarchy
Naver:von Neumann hierarchy
Bing:von Neumann hierarchy
} // von Neumann hierarchy

arithmetical_hierarchy =,arithmetical_hierarchy =,arithmetical_hierarchy . arithmetical_hierarchy
arithmetic_hierarchy =,arithmetic_hierarchy =,arithmetic_hierarchy . arithmetic_hierarchy /// syn. via wten
Kleene-Mostowski hierarchy (syn. via? )
arithmetical hierarchy
arithmetic hierarchy
Kleene-Mostowski hierarchy

"Kleene–Mostowski hierarchy"
Ggl:Kleene–Mostowski hierarchy

Kleene_hierarchy =,Kleene_hierarchy =,Kleene_hierarchy . Kleene_hierarchy
클레이니 위계 ?

Levy_hierarchy =,Levy_hierarchy =,Levy_hierarchy . Levy_hierarchy
Lévy hierarchy

} // Lévy+hierarchy

analytical_hierarchy =,analytical_hierarchy =,analytical_hierarchy . analytical_hierarchy
WtEn:analytical_hierarchy ? qqqqqqqqq

projective_hierarchy =,projective_hierarchy =,projective_hierarchy . projective_hierarchy
projective hierarchy

corresp ko interwiki:
(사영위계가 아니고)
= https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/사영_집합

polynomial_hierarchy =,polynomial_hierarchy =,polynomial_hierarchy . polynomial_hierarchy
다항식위계 ?
polynomial hierarchy

"polynomial hierarchy"
Bing:polynomial hierarchy
... Google:polynomial.hierarchy

exponential_hierarchy =,exponential_hierarchy . exponential_hierarchy
exponential hierarchy

hierarchical_database_model =,hierarchical_database_model =,hierarchical_database_model . hierarchical_database_model
hierarchical database model

Up: data_model (we) curr see 데이터모델data_model or MKNEWPAGE -> =,data_model . data_model
data model

hierarchical_clustering =,hierarchical_clustering =,hierarchical_clustering . hierarchical_clustering
hierarchical clustering

WpEn:Hierarchical_clustering = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering
"hierarchical clustering (also called hierarchical cluster analysis or HCA)"

분야: data_mining statistics 기계학습,machine_learning (we)

rel 분석(ie 덩이짓기) 결과는 트리,tree형태 , dendrogram =,dendrogram . dendrogram { WtEn:dendrogram https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrogram } 으로 나타냄 ,

"hierarchical clustering"
Ggl:hierarchical clustering

hierarchical_query =,hierarchical_query =,hierarchical_query . hierarchical_query
hierarchical query

Grzegorczyk_hierarchy =,Grzegorczyk_hierarchy =,Grzegorczyk_hierarchy . Grzegorczyk_hierarchy
Grzegorczyk hierarchy
사람이름 발음?
국가? Poland
"The Grzegorczyk hierarchy (/ɡrɛˈɡɔːrtʃək/, Polish pronunciation: /ɡʐɛˈɡɔrt͡ʂɨk/), named after the Polish logician Andrzej Grzegorczyk, " // WpEn:Andrzej_Grzegorczyk 1922-2014
Grzegorczyk - 2023-11-13 현재 not in kornorms

WtEn:Grzegorczyk_hierarchy ?
WpSp:Grzegorczyk_hierarchy ?
WpEn:Grzegorczyk_hierarchy = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzegorczyk_hierarchy


exponential_hierarchy =,exponential_hierarchy . exponential_hierarchy
exponential hierarchy

wt x 2024-04
}// exponential hierarchy .... Bing:exponential hierarchy Ggl:exponential hierarchy

Boolean_hierarchy =,Boolean_hierarchy . Boolean_hierarchy
Boolean hierarchy

}// Boolean hierarchy .... Bing:Boolean hierarchy Ggl:Boolean hierarchy


비슷? / 위계를 성질,property로 가진 것
taxonomy WtEn:taxonomy Ndict:taxonomy
phylogeny WtEn:phylogeny Ndict:phylogeny
layer =,layer . ///// 2023-11-11 레이어,layer만들여졌는데 거기로 mv? or 계층,layer 역할 정해지고 아래 nest* 빠질때까지 defer? ////
레이어 ?
계층 ?

nested nesting =,nested =,nesting {
nested_function .... https://mathworld.wolfram.com/NestedFunction.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nested_function
nested_structure s
nested logarithm (also called the repeated logarithm or iterated logarithm)

scope Srch:scope 스코프,scope ... 범위 ? 시야 ? esp lexical_scope
scoping Srch:scoping 스코핑,scoping ...?
(저것 rel. range visibility / local vs nonlocal(non-local){ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-local_variable } vs global / closure ...)

recursion (recursive_structure)


층,stratum (writing) - cmp: level, layer와? // 레벨,level 레이어,layer
hierarchical adj.